Chapter 33: Rules

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The overwhelming softness that (Y/n) felt forced her to wake up immediately. She sprang up from her restful position to note that she had been moved. The girl glanced down to find herself in a luxurious bed, clearly not her own. She had been covered attentively with a well-made comforter - one that kept her nice and warm. Interestingly, as she swung her feet off the bed, she found the floors heated as well.

Immediately, the girl glanced around the room. It was sparsely decorated at that point, lacking much personality aside from the bookshelf with a few stuffed animals sitting on top of it. Really, it resembled a hotel room more than a bedroom, with the exception of the massive television facing the bed. She moved to find a bathroom, too, one that had all the essentials she would need, including feminine hygiene products.

She could tell it wasn't Rei's house, otherwise she'd be in the room she was already staying in, but she couldn't figure out if it was Shota's or Haru's place. They were the ones with the most access to technology, of which there were plenty of new things in the room. Figuring she would find out later, she moved to grab the handle to leave the room, only to freeze when it wouldn't budge. Hoping she just did something wrong, she tried again, only for the door to remain firmly in place. That set her off.

Frantically, she began jostling the door handle, using as much strength as she could muster up. Terrified it wasn't working, she then started slamming her body against the door, but, again, that didn't work. She began choking up in tears, backing away from the door in terror, only to glance at the walls for any sign of a window. There clearly was one, it seemed, but it was boarded up with plated metal. The girl began muttering to herself, slamming against that, too, but, no matter what she did, she was trapped.

"No," she sobbed, her shoulders tensing up as she began descending into terror, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Uh - Yamato! Takuya! S-Shota?!"

There was no response. For all she knew, they had just left her there. She could have been the only one in the house. Shivering, she couldn't hold back her tears, screaming in frustration as she tried scouring the room for anything else, her eyes falling on a strange touchscreen on the wall next to her bed. The girl tapped relentlessly on it, watching as a phone icon appeared. She selected it, hurrying to input 117. A smile of relief appeared when she heard the call go through.

"Thank goodness!" she breathed out, rapidly notifying the other end to her situation, "Look, I'm trapped somewhere and I can't escape and I need you to - "



"That's so cute. Trying to call 001 - What? It's 117? That's a stupid emergency number. Shut up."

"You. You bastard! Get over here and let me out right now! Right now!"

"Calm down," Rei chuckled, "We wouldn't leave you alone."

"I told you to let me out! Let me...let me out. Please..."

The blonde paused, confused at her sudden desperation. Nonetheless, Yamato stood up as fast as he could and sprinted upstairs, realizing it was possible she had some kind of claustrophobia. When he opened the door, he found the girl shivering on the floor. Despite her obvious frustration, she was quick to cling to him, hugging him tightly. Though momentarily confused, the brunette took the opportunity to hug her back, feeling his heart pound. Of course, all she wanted to do was get out of the room. He knew that, too, but he let himself think differently before he helped her out.

The brunette guided her downstairs, letting her observe the rest of the house. There were cameras everywhere, able to watch her every move. Though, with the addition of little black screens next to every room and gray ones littered around. She assumed those controlled the lights or something as opposed to the black ones which seemed to serve as locks. And, as she glanced out of the window, she saw a vast expanse of forest behind the backyard, making her clench her teeth.

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