Chapter 48: An Ill Boy

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When they touched down in Vethela, (Y/n) could tell almost at once that the country was beyond anything she'd ever seen. Or, rather, it embodied the whimsical fantasy of her childhood. The country was largely untouched by industrialization. Or, at least, it seemed that way. As they drove from the remote airport to the heart of the capital, she couldn't help but marvel at the stunning landscapes.

The houses were relatively small to conserve land, most of them having some form of greenery growing on them in some kind of mutual relationship. Apparently, as Rei told her, that was the norm; to value plant-life as equal to a human life. It astounded her how natural everything looked. The rivers were clean, the air was fresh, and wild animals just coasted along like they owned the place. Her eyes sparkled as Rei pushed his chest out in pride. Akari was also pleased to see she loved the country.

Even as they entered the capital, the buildings only went up to, at most, three floors. There were no other cars on the street either, allowing them to quickly make their way to where the royal palace was located. Suddenly, as she noted the fact the palace must have been about ten stories tall, she snapped her head over to Akari. Had he seriously climbed it all on his own without falling? The blonde gave a bright smile to her.

Plenty of guards were there to greet them at the gate as they were made to get out of the car to get in a carriage. Apparently, no cars were allowed past that area. Nonetheless, as they rode in the carriage to the front of the palace, all of the stunningly decorated guards gave a respectful bow to their prince. Rei merely shrugged. It must have been commonplace for him. There was much more to say about the ride and all of its beauty but not enough time to admire it before they had to get off of the carriage.

"Welcome to my home, cupcake," Rei chuckled, exiting first solely to help her step down the stairs like a gentleman, "We still have a few hours to burn before the party begins at night, so let's show you to your room first, hm?"

"I put everything together for you, Rei," Akari panicked, seeking affection from the blonde, "Ah, I put her next to us. I figured you'd like that."

"And where are we going to stay?" Yamato mumbled.

"On the other side of the palace. Obviously."

"That's not going to work."

"But only royalty and close servants stay in the east wing. Guests are in the embassies or the west wing. That's just how things are done."

"And (Y/n)'s a servant?"

Rei and Akari gave a little smirk. They didn't need to answer for everyone to know what they were thinking. And while Yamato may have tried arguing about it, demanding she be wherever he was, they kept giving the same response. They couldn't break tradition, after all. Shota gave a sharp sigh and shook his head, telling the brunette to back down. As such, the two blondes fist-bumped each other behind their backs, eagerly escorting the younger girl to her room.

She was not at all surprised to find the utter lavishness that coated the palace. Gold, jewels, art, tapestries, and just about everything else were put on full display. It was like they thought no one would ever steal from them. They were probably right, too. With all the guards posted around, she highly doubted anyone could go in or out without them noticing. That was probably why Rei was unbothered with the fact she might try escaping and why Yamato ceded so easily to him.

"Do you like the room, goddess?" Akari squeaked excitedly, pushing open the door for her, "I prepared it myself. Well, I ordered someone else to do it the way I knew you'd like it."

(Y/n), again, was stunned. Akari must have known her a lot better than she thought. He'd supposedly rearranged everything the way she preferred it, including moving over the bed to the corner of the room. The color of the room also suited her tastes despite it not necessarily matching the rest of the palace's white, violet, and green theme. She turned to give him a soft grin, reaching up to pat his head only to hold herself back. He frowned a bit, grabbing at his arm.

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