Chapter 32: A Spark Of Chaos

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Yamato really didn't give (Y/n) a moment alone at school, constantly hovering around her somehow. He ditched his own classes to trail after her, sitting next to her, and even stared warily at her lunch that he bought. And, in the classes they were in, the others did the same. Takuya kept asking her if she was okay every other second, Shota continually tried pestering her about how she was doing, and even Haru kept trying to shove his device in her face as if it would solve all of her problems. Rei was more passive about his efforts to protect her, merely shooing everyone else away (as if Yamato wasn't doing that already).

When school ended, they all flooded into the student council room with her, even if Takuya was the only one that worked with her. Narahashi came to check up on her a few times, handing her some papers to do and updating her on anything the acting principal told him, but it only encouraged dirty looks from the others. The bluenette paused when he noticed Akari scowling at him, taking an extra moment to dart his eyes over to the younger girl. Was she really okay with him being there?

(Y/n) returned an uncertain but determined look all the same, to which he only sighed and told her to eat something. In truth, she was feeling tired as of late - for good reason. So, she slumped in her chair and had a difficult time focusing on the work in front of her, rubbing under her eyes. Yamato started worrying about whether she was getting enough sleep, pestering her to return back to the house to take a nap. She agreed, returning back and having a simple meal Rei made for her.

Truthfully, she had gotten used to the house. It was definitely much more comfortable than what she was used to, and she would have liked to stay forever. She gave a conflicted look, placing the fork down, and trembled a bit. The younger girl was so tired of pretending to be brave. Really, she just wanted to give up at that point. Squeezing her eyes shut, she took in a deep breath and looked up to face everyone.

"I think...I think I've decided to leave," she trembled, receiving immediate glares of disagreement from Yamato, mainly, "It's not that I don't appreciate everything, but, like I said earlier, it's too much."

"Ha," Rei scoffed, staring at the food he'd made just for her, "And where are you going to go, hm? Back to that pathetic little neighborhood? You're just begging to get stabbed."

"Rei!" Takuya panicked, "You shouldn't scare her like that!"

"If I don't, she really will go back. The amount of murders in that block alone should tell you just how safe you are there. There's no cameras, no guards, no police. Pfft, I bet your neighbors would just watch you get stabbed to death and sit there like it's a show."

"(Y/n)," Shota interjected, moving around the table to sit next to her, taking her hands in concern, "You shouldn't make a decision so quickly like this. Can we at least talk about why you want to leave? If this is about money or you feeling bad for burdening - "

"Don't entertain her!" Yamato snapped, slamming the table to make her jolt back, "It shouldn't matter why she wants to go back! What matters is stopping her from going!"

"And how do you propose we do that?! Just...Just trap her?!"

"If I have to!"

"You're just gonna keep her to yourself," Haru pouted, receiving a dirty look for the comment.

"This is about her safety. Hers! It's got nothing to do with what I want!"

"Isn't it?" Akari mumbled, "You're the one that's been keeping her to yourself recently. It's like you think no one else cares about her safety."

"How am I the bad guy?! From the beginning - "

"Yeah, from the beginning, guys," Rei huffed, shrugging his shoulders sarcastically, "Remember? When you stole her from me when we had a date planned? From that beginning? Who's to say you won't do it again? Just take her from all of us. You have the men for it. Maybe that's what you've been planning all along. You don't care about her safety. You just care about her."

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