Chapter 2: Jason Dean

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Veronica Sawyer's POV

Dear Diary,
                      I've only been a Heather for a week and I already hate it. Except Heather Chandler is like really hot, I shouldn't say that but, when I'm around her my face gets red, and my palms get sweaty, ohh an I start to stutter like an idiot. But I doubt she likes me back, I mean why would she?

We were sitting at our table. I was beside Chandler and across from McNamara. Heather Chandler stood up so all of us followed.

"Hey Ronnie, could you do me a favor?" Maybe Heather does like me, all she calls me is Ronnie and she doesn't seem like one for nicknames.

"What's the favor?"

"Could you forge a note in Ram's hand wringing for Martha Dumptruck."

"I guess." I really don't want to but I'd do anything for Heather.

"Heather, Veronica needs somewhere to write. Bend over." Heather Duke and Heather McNamara bent over. Chandler scoffed, "Mac get up."

I wrote the note and gave it to Heather Chandler, she handed it to McNamara, then she gave it to Martha. She looked so happy, which made me sick to my stomach. The three Heather's started to laugh.

I started to walk over to the door but a boy dressed in all black stopped me. "So are you a Heather?"

"No I'm a Veronica, Sawyer."

"Well Veronica how would you like to go on a date sometime?"

"No thank you." I walked past him, but then he grabbed my arm.

"I'm not gonna take no for an answer, Veronica."

"I-I don't want to go on a date." He then grabbed both of my arms and shook me.

"I said I wasn't taking no for an answer sweetheart."

"HEATHER, HELP." Chandler turned around and started to walk over to us.

"You shouldn't have done that." He forced me into a kiss, I could feel tears starting to sting my eyes. I kicked him in the balls and then ran to the Heather's bathroom. I could hear a pair of heels behind me and I knew it was Chandler but I kept running. I opened the door and immediately sat down on the floor and buried me head in my lap.

I heard the door open and felt someone sit next to me, then she grabbed me hand. I looked up and there she was. She leaned in and kissed me. "Ronnie, I love you."

I immediately answered back. "I l-love y-you too."

"So will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course." She gabbed my hand and pulled me up off the floor and then she dried my tears.

We walked back to the calf hand in hand and sat back down with the two other Heathers.

McNamara and Duke smirked at each other. "You two finally got together?" McNamara asked.

"Obviously, took long enough. Heather's only liked Veronica since like 7th grad-" Duke was interrupted by Chandler.

"Shut up Heather." Heather's face was turning a vibrant pink and so was mine.

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now