Chapter 53: Part of the Family

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Heather Chandler's Pov

The movie had been over for hours, mom had come home, Maggie was probably on the bus right now, and there was still a sleeping Veronica in my lap.

My mom walked in to the living room and mouthed to me, "Do you need anything?" I shook my head before going back to running my fingers through my girlfriend's crazy hair.

The front door opened and Maggie walked in, "What's up f*ckers?" She yelled, making sure my mom could hear.

"Maggie Evelyn Chandler!" My mom came in to the living room and glared at my younger sister.

"I don't mean to be rude or anything but Veronica's trying to sleep." I whispered. My mom left after I said this and went back to whatever she was doing.

Maggie looked over at me, "Why is she on your lap?"

"Because she's my girlfriend dumb a$$."

She started laughing, "That's gay."

"Yeah no sh*t." I felt Veronica started to squirm around so I gently started rubbing her back.

"Haha I'm gay." She said with a smirk on her face.

"Wait, what?"

"No further questions at this time." Then she walked upstairs.

I heard a yawn and then felt Veronica pick her head up off my shoulder, "Hey baby, are ya feeling any better?" I asked softly. She shook her head before moving as close as she possibly could to me, "Ronnie you will never believe what just happened."


"My sister came in and saw you on my lap and told me that it was gay and then she laughed and said that she was gay before going upstairs."

"Is she gay?" Veronica asked with a tired voice.

"I don't know."

"Why don't you ask her?"

"I will later, but right now mom is making lasagna, if you don't think you can handle it then I could make you soup or something like that."

"I want you to make me soup."

"Ok, I will hun."



"Can we make a cake? Like together."

I let out a small laugh, "Yeah, but how about we wait till you're feeling better?"


My mom walked in and sat down next to me. Right away she picked Veronica up off my lap and set her in her lap, "Mom what are yo-"


She gently started to rub small circles on her back. Veronica's eyes met hers and they started to fill tears, "M-My mom n-never did th-this."

"I know Veronica." she answered. They just sat there for a moment, "Veronica, I want you to know that even though you're not my daughter I still care about you and I love you." I could hear Veronica start to cry even harder.

My mom put an arm around me and pulled me close, "I love you Heather."

"I love you too mom."

The front door opened again and my dad walked in, I totally forgot he was coming home today, "Hey..." He walked over to us and gave me a hug. He put a hand on Veronica's back, "What's wrong?"

When she didn't answer my mom handed her over to my dad. She hugged him, "I'm ok." He nodded before setting her in my lap.

My parents left the room, probably so they could talk about what just happened, "Are you sure you're ok?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm j-just happy that your p-parents consider me p-part of the f-family."

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