Chapter 5: The Sawyer's house

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Heather Chandler POV

The four of us sat in the bathroom until lunch. We only really went to lunch so people knew we didn't leave. We walked out of the bathroom and into the calf. Everyone but Mac sat down, she got in the lunch line. Veronica had her head down on the table so I grabbed her hand. She put her head up and I saw she had tears running down her face. Her nose was purple from earlier. Then she put her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her. The once so happy girl now looked so sad and defeated. I hated seeing her like this but there was nothing I could do about it here.

McNamara sat down and handed each of us a bottle of water and a chocolate chip cookie. Duke ate her cookie right away but Veronica and I just sat there. "Are you sure you two are ok?" Duke asked. I felt my eyes start to sting, I hated it when people asked me that question. Now Veronica and I were both sitting there with tears running down our cheeks. "No" was all I could reply.

"Is there anything we can do?" Mac asked.

"No, I think we're gonna go home. Thanks for the water and the cookie."

I grabbed both the waters and Veronica grabbed the two cookies and then we walked out to my Porsche. I dove slow because there was no need to hurry where were going. I pulled up to Veronica's old house.

I got out of the car and then walked over and opened her door. "Come on. Let's go inside."
She got out of the car and we walked up to the door, then she knocked.

The second the door opened she was brought into a hug. "Veronica!" It was her dad. "Come inside, hurry." He walked straight to Veronica's room. "Your mom just left so you two really should try to pack as fast as you can."

I started to quickly pack while Veronica talked to her dad. "Wait you're not mad?"

"No, if it was my decision you would still be aloud to live here." He handed Veronica a blue credit card. "Ok so I want you to take this, right now it has one thousand dollars on it, when that runs out I'll put more on it. I just want to make sure you're gonna be ok."

"I'm fine dad, really. I'm living at Heather's house now."

He smiled. "Ok. Don't forget your glasses and your contacts."

"I think I've got everything Ronnie." I butted in. She walked over and grabbed a journal, her Walkman, and a couple cassette tapes off her desk.

"Thanks dad." That's when we heard the door open.

"Hun where are you." It was Veronica mom. We heard her coming down the hallway. "What are you doing back here. Ohhh. Why are you here." She pointed at me.

"I drove Veronica here so we could grab her things."

"Well I think it's time for you two to leave."

Veronica said nothing she just lead the way to the front door and then we let ourselves out. We walked back to the car and sat in silence. Then we drove home. Once we were in the garage I got out of the car and grabbed her stuff, then I opened her door and dragged her out of the car and into the house. "Hi mom we're gonna go up to my room." I've called my mom the old hag since 4th grade but lately I've actually been calling her mom, I guess it's a way to show I'm thankful or something for everything she doing for me right now, but I don't think she's noticed.

Veronica went to my bathroom to take out her contacts while in put in one of the cassette tapes she had brought. She came out wearing her glasses and then she threw herself onto my bed. I pressed play and the song Loser by McCafferty started playing. (I know they didn't exist back then so just pretend) I sat down next to her and she snuggled up to me and this is how we fell asleep that night.

I woke up at 11 to Veronica shaking me. "Hey I'm hungry. Do you wanna go get something?"

"Yeah, lets go."

I grabbed my purse, we walked down stairs and  then out the door.

"So where were you planning on going?" I asked.

"You'll see."

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