Chapter 6: The Snappy Snap Shack

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Veronica Sawyer's POV

I lead Heather to The Snappy Snap Shack that was only a few minutes walking distance from her house. "I thought we could get some Corn Nuts."

"D*mn you know me to well Sawyer." Heather replied and then lead the way into the small convenience store.

"Hey do you want your usual drink." I asked.

"Yep, you want your usual snack?"

"Yep." I replied then walked over to the slushee machine. I grabbed two medium sized cups. I poured one cherry slushee and one blue raspberry. I heard someone else come in but didn't bother to look till they were standing right beside me. It was JD, I grabbed the two slushees then walked over and grabbed three cans of Hubba Bubba soda. Then I walked over to Heather. "We need to get the h*ll out of here."

We walked up to the counter and paid for our stuff then started to walk home. We were only a block away from the house when we heard a motorcycle behind us. I practically started running towards the house. When we got inside the first thing I did was lock the door. We walked upstairs and into Heather's room then she closed the door.

"Hey are you ok?" Heather asked.

"Y-y-yeah it's just JD was there, I just needed to leave."

"Oh, well I got Corn Nuts, Pizza Rolls, and three Cosmic Brownies."

"I got slushees and Hubba Bubba soda."

She grabbed the pizza rolls and walked to the room beside hers, I followed. "You have a kitchen upstairs?"

"Yeah, but only me and my sister use it." It made sense that only they used it, both of there rooms were upstairs while there parents was downstairs. Heather got out a plate, she put some pizza rolls on it and put it carefully in the microwave. Then we heard a door open.

"What are you two doing up?"

"Hey Maggie, I got you a soda." I walked back into Heather's room and grabbed a can of the Hubba Bubba soda and then went back to the upstairs kitchen.

"Yes you got my favorite!"

"We didn't know you were still up, we could have taken you with us." Heather added.

"I mean I am 14 why wouldn't I still be up?"

"Well I think we're gonna watch a movie if you want to you can watch it with us." Heather told her sister.

"What movie?"

"Halloween?" I asked Heather.

"Ronnie, you know I hate scary movies."

"I'll watch Halloween." This was something me and Maggie had in common, we both loved horror movies.

"I guess we can watch it then." She answered. Heather then took the pizza rolls out of the microwave and then the three of us walked back to her room.

"Hey Maggie will you grab the movie from downstairs?"

"Yeah." She walked out of the room and once she was gone Heather walked over to me.

"Thanks for letting Maggie watch the movie with us, she likes to be included when my friends are over." She pulled me in for a kiss.

"It's no problem I like your sister." I was then pulled into another kiss but it was longer this time.

"Hey how long are you guys gonna do that for?"

We broke away from each other. "How long were you gonna stand there and watch us kiss?"

"I don't know, I didn't want to interrupt but man you had to breath at some point."

"Just put the movie in."

Heather grabbed a blanket from her closet and we both laid on out stomachs at the end of the bed, and that's how we spent the rest of our night.

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