Chapter 49: Flu

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Heather Chandler's Pov

"Veronica Sawyer?" I made eye contact with then women, "You can come back now." Veronica had been sitting in my lap so I picked her up and started to follow the woman, "You can lay her down right there..." she pointed to a table, "...a doctor should come in soon."

I laid Veronica down and gently shook her, "Wake up Ronnie."

Her eyes fluttered open and then she looked around, "W-Where are w-we?"

I looked over at my mom before answering, "The doctors office."

"I wanna g-go home." her eyes were starting to water.

"Don't cry, we'll go home soon, I promise."

That's when the doctor walked in, "Veronica?"
She very hesitantly nodded, "Well what are we in for today?"

I answered for her, "She has a fever."

"I think she has the flu." My mom spoke up.

"Ok, I'll take her temperature and then we'll get her a flu swab test." She walked to the other side of the room and got out a thermometer, "Open" Veronica open her mouth and then she stuck it it.

Veronica reached out and grabbed my hand, hers was cold and clammy but I didn't mind.

When it beeped she took out the test, "103.6" she stated, "I'll be back in a couple minutes with the flu test."

Veronica scooted over some, "Sit with me, please?"

I nodded and the sat down. She laid her head on my shoulder and kept her hand in mine.

The doctor walked back in and she had the test, "Ok Veronica, I'm gonna have to shove this up your nose, ok?" She looked at me and then nodded.

The doctor held the back of her head before inserting the test up her nose. I felt her grip my hand even tighter and her whole face scrunched up. I could tell that tears were starting to form in her eyes. The second the doctor pulled out the test she went into a coughing fit.

"We should be done in about 20 minutes." My mom nodded while I held crying Veronica.

"Shhh it's ok, it's over. They're done doing tests." I stated quietly.

20 minutes passed and the doctor came back in, "You were right, she has the flu. So I prescribed her some medicine that you guys should pick up before you go home." I pick up Veronica and we went back out to the car. This time she sat in my lap and nuzzled her head into my chest. We both ended up falling asleep like this.

I felt my knee being shook back and forth and when I opened my eyes I saw it was my mom, "We're home hun." I nodded before picking Veronica up and getting out of the car, "Here's her medicine." She handed it to me.

"Thanks mom." I carried Veronica up to our room and laid her on the bed. I gently shook her, "Wake up sleepyhead." Her eyes fluttered open, "Sit up for just a second so that you can take this." I poured her some and gave it to her to drink.

She gulped it down, "I think I'm gonna throw up." she stood up and went to the bathroom. Soon after I could hear her throwing up. I put the cap on the medicine and then went into the bathroom. I sat down with her and held back her hair. When she was done I wiped her face off with a washcloth before carrying her to the bed.

I tried to cover her up with blankets but she kicked them off, "Are they too hot?" She nodded. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed a new washcloth. I put cold water on it and then sat down next to her.

She yelped at first when I put the washcloth on her face, "Do you want me to stop?" She shook her head so I continued to wipe her face with it.
"Do you wanna put pajamas on?" She nodded. I went to my closet and grabbed shorts and a tee shirt. I handed them to her but she just laid there, "Are you not gonna put them on?" She shook her head.

I walk over to her and slip off her leggings before replacing them with the shorts. Next I slid off her hoodie but before I could put the tee shirt on her she stopped me, "Will you kiss my neck?" she asked shyly.

Her neck was still littered with bruises, "Ronnie your neck hasn't healed yet from last time."


"You're sick, you should probably get some rest."

"Please Heather?" She whined.

"Ok but nothing more than kisses, you got that?" She smiled and nodded.

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