Chapter 24: Touch me, Pull my hair...

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⚠️ Warning, contains smut. Sorry if it's bad, I've never wrote anything like this⚠️

Veronica Sawyer's POV

She leaned in and kissed me passionately, eventually she sat down on my waist and I sat up, I felt her unzip my dress then she pulled it over my head. I then helped her take her tank top off and then her skirt.

We just sat there for a second and kind of looked at each other. She had on a lacy red bra with a matching pair of underwear where, mine looked almost exactly the same. One of the only difference was Heather's boobs were so much bigger then mine, I've been jealous of them since 8th grade, I've been practically flat my entire life.

"See something you like Ronnie?" I felt my face get hot but before I could say anything else I felt her starting to kiss my neck, I knew it was gonna leave a mark in the morning but I didn't mind. She started to move down to my chest and then my stomach. Then she went down and started to kiss the inside of my thighs.

"Will you quit teasing me?"

"Will you shut up and lose you tightly whiteys Sawyer?"

I nodded, "They're red." I spit out before she pulled them off. I pulled hers off and then she went back to kissing my lips and I felt her tug at my bra, I hurried and pulled it off and she pulled hers off too. I ran my fingers though her hair and she cupped both of my breasts.

I yelped, "Are you good?" She asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, you're hands are just really cold."

"Sorry" she replied before continuing what she was doing. She went back to kissing the inside of my thighs. Without warning she gently stuck one of her fingers inside of me, I yelped again. She looked up and I nodded so she kept going. She stuck in a second and then a third. I accidentally let out a moan. I heard her start to giggle and then she pulled out. "Do you wanna try?" She asked, I nodded. I copied her moves and I could tell she was into it but it made me kind of uncomfortable, I think she noticed this though because she said, "Hey if you'd rather, I could take over again." I gave a quick nod. She started to kiss me again, then she put her icy fingers back inside me. Eventually she flopped herself down next to me. She got up, grabbed her bra and underwear and went to the bathroom, I got up too and grabbed a blanket from Heather's closet and then put it on her bed. I heard water start to run in the bathroom, I picked up my bra, underwear, and glasses then walked into the bathroom. I took out my contacts and then got in the shower. I looked at Heather, while my vision was fuzzy I could see that she smiled at me. After she was done she gave me a kiss and then got out. I heard the bathroom door close and not long after that I was done. I got back in my underwear and then my bra and lastly I put my glasses on. I left the bathroom to see Heather already wrapped up in the blanket and "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" was ready to play. I walked up to the TV, pressed play, and then got back in bed. Heather handed me some blanket and a bowl of popcorn.

"Veronica, who was your first?"

I felt my cheeks get hot, "You." I answered with a smile, she then moved in closer to me. "What about you?"

"Despite what everyone thinks, you." I felt a huge smile spread across my face.

I leaned in for a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you more Sawyer."

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now