Chapter 35: Stars

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Heather Chandler's POV

It was already 2 a.m. which meant there was now way I was going to fall asleep now, and we have school tomorrow. So that's great. I looked over at Veronica, she was being very clingy tonight, which I definitely didn't mind I actually I kinda like it. Sometimes she can be very distant, I don't think she means to do it sometimes it just happens. I felt her start to shake, then I felt her forehead and it felt like sweat was pouring out of her. I started to shake her, "Hey wake up hon." I paused for a second to see if she woke up, "Veronica?" I shook her again. This time she woke up and right away she threw herself into my arms.

"H-he did it a-again."

"Shhhhh." I started to rub her back with my palm, "You're ok."

I heard her soft cry's in my ear and I felt so bad, I could have prevented all of this.

"Yeah Ronnie?"

I heard her sniffle and then let go of me so our eyes met, "I want to die." I felt my heart break. I brought her back into my arm's and held her. I don't know what I would do if she died, my life truly meant nothing before she came into it, yeah I got to be mean and I guess that was fun but it was pointless. As I continued to think about it I felt my eyes start to sting. "I don't get why you like me Heather, I'm so broken. B-but you're perfect and amazing. I just don't get it, you could have any girl in the world yet you
c-choose me." I couldn't believe she thought that I could do so much better then her.

"Hey, would I have really stuck around this long if I didn't love you?" She thought for a second then gently shook her head. "I love you to death and I can't live without you. So please, stick around, for me." She nodded and I pulled her into a long kiss. I tried my best to wipe away her tears but then she grabbed my hand. She walked me over to my window and opened it. Again she grabbed my hand and then pulled me out onto the roof. She climbed to the top and we laid down. I wrapped my arm around her to make sure I wouldn't lose her and then we looked up at the sky. There were so many stars, they were beautiful but I think the person next to me was the most beautiful thing out here. I hadn't realized before but she felt really skinny, which I guess makes sense. She doesn't really eat much. I didn't want to ruin the moment but I felt like we needed to talk, "Ronnie, when was the last time you actually ate like a meal?"

I felt her try to distance herself from me and then when that didn't work she rearranged her hoodie to try and make me forget the fact that she was so skinny. "Ummm" she paused, "I don't know." She made sure that she didn't make eye contact with me.

"You're lying."

"How did you-"

"I always know, so tell me the truth."

"I guess Wednesday." I tried to think of what day it was, it had to be Sunday. I grabbed her hand and walked her back into my room and then into the upstairs kitchen.

"I'm making you something to eat, what do you want?" I looked at her and she shrugged. "Come here, please." She walked over to me and I started to pull her hoodie off.

"H-H-Heather I'm not wearing a shirt under that."

"It's not like I haven't seen it before." I continued to take her hoodie off and I set in on the counter. I looked at her standing there with just sweatpants and a bra on. I was right she was getting really skinny, I could see her ribs. My eyes meet hers and I saw tears were starting to form in hers, "No please don't cry Ronnie."

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