Chapter 34: Too many tears

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Veronica Sawyer's POV

I pulled away my lips from Heather's. "Wait how long has your sister been home?"

"I don't know why?" She went to kiss me again but I pulled away before she could.

"Heather, wake up. If she heard us fighting then she knows I was pregnant." I felt my breath start to get faster and tears were pouring down my face. "If she tells your mom.."

"Yeah but she also heard you were raped." I felt a shiver go down my spine when she said that.

"But Heather she might not tell her that."

"Ok now just wait I'll go talk to Maggie and then I'll be back." She walked out of her room but then walked back in, "She's not in there."

That's when we heard it, "Heather, Veronica? Can you come down here." I felt the tears start to come out faster, and now I was having a panic attack. I haven't had one for at least a week so it came as a surprise.

She grabbed my hand and started to walk slowly. "Shhhh just try your best to calm down." She said in a hushed voice I held my breath and started to wipe away the tears, "Hey you have to breath, I don't want you to pass out." I trying to slow down my fast and shaky breath but I just couldn't. By now we were standing in front of Maggie and her mom.

"You two sit down and Maggie go up to your room and close the door." Maggie walked up the stairs while Heather directing me to the couch. She sat down and pulled me onto her lap. Then she slowly started to run her fingers through my hair. "I'm just gonna get straight to the point, Maggie told me Veronica's pregnant."

"Well no-" She tried to explain but she was cut off.

"Maggie said Veronica herself said it. And Veronica I absolutely love you to death but since you cheated on my daughter with a man I don't think you should live here anymore." I felt myself start to cry harder then I buried my face in Heather's shoulder. "Heather you should really be more angry, she cheated on you with a man of all things I mean-"

Heather cut her off, "SHE WAS RAPED MOM JESUS IF YOU WOULD HAVE LISTENED TO BEGIN WITH THEN YOU WOULD KNOW THAT!" Heather picked me up and then carried me up to her room. She sat me on the bed, grabbed a blanket and then got in the bed with me. "I'm sorry." She hugged me for what had to be 10 minutes.

In the corner of my eye I saw Heather's mom walk in and then felt her sit down. Heather let go but she then wrapped her arm around my waist and then pulled me back onto her lap so that we were now almost the same height.

"I'm sorry."

"You should be." Heather answered harshly.

She looked at my stomach then placed her hand on it, which made me flinch. "When were you gonna tell me?"

"I don't know mom but she had a miscarriage so take your freaking hand off her stomach." She quickly took her hand back to herself. I felt the tears start to pour out even faster, which I didn't think was possible. Heather noticed and held me even tighter.

"I'm sorry."

"No you're not mom, you shouldn't have said any of that and you knew in the moment that you shouldn't have."

We sat in silence until her mom finally got up left and shut the door. I felt my eyes starting to get heavy.

"Hey, wake up. You should lay down if you're tired." She said kindly with a smile. I climbed out of her lap and laid down next to her. She slouched until she was laying next to me. I wrapped both of my arms around her waist and she did her best to put one of hers around me. Then I started to intertwine our legs together. I heard her giggle softly, "Jesus, I love you." She whispered to herself but I still heard it.

"I love you too." I whispered back before laying my head on her chests.

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