Chapter 39: Panic

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Veronica Sawyer's POV

I looked up and saw Heather crying. Then I started to panic, she never cry's. I placed my hand on her cheek, forcing her to look into my eyes, "No, Heather please don't cry." Then I noticed her breath was speeding up. Was she having a panic attack?

"R-Ronnie..." She paused for a second and I grabbed her hand, "I c-c-can't breath." I didn't quite know what to do, normally I was the one that needed comforting so I wasn't so great at the situations that were the other way around. I  moved over some to make room for her and she took the hint and laid down next to me. I tried to put my arm around her but when I tried to lift one up I only made it about on inch before I had to stop. I felt my face scrunch up before I laid it back down, I didn't think it would hurt that much. Sure they where bruised and purple but I thought I would be able to pick them up. Heather noticed so instead she carefully wrapped her arms around me and then cried into my shoulder.

I laid a kiss on her forehead, "Shhhh it'll be ok."

"I j-j-just don't w-want to lose you."

"You won't."

"Do you promise?"

"Yes, I promise Heather, I'm not going anywhere."

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "I love you, Ronnie."

"I love you too, Heather." Within the next minute she had fallen asleep on my shoulder and I fell asleep next to her.

I woke up with Heather next to me, I heard her saying something about how I had visitors but I just brushed it off. Five minutes later a nurse walked in with my parents. I kept my head down and used all my strength to grab Heather's hand. She look at me and leaned over so only I could hear her, "You know this had to happen sooner or later." She paused and I nodded, "Ronnie you're strong, you can do this." She leaned back after giving me a kiss on my cheek which had to piss off my mother, if I could even still call her that.

The nurse left and my dad was the first to speak, "Veronica, I've missed you." I didn't answer I just kept looking down.

Then my "mother" said something, "So you're still queer?" She didn't even try to hide the disgust in her voice.

I looked up at her, "You know you didn't have to come!" This was almost screamed and I felt angry tears start to gush out of my eyes. "You've been nothing but terrible to me my whole life, I don't get why you have to be like this. Either except me or get out of my life!"

"Veronica..." She said sounded even more disgusted.

"No, make up your mind mom! At least Heather and dad love me, I don't see why you have to be like this!"

"Veronica I don't understand why you won't admit to yourself that this is just a phase." She gave a petty chuckle after this.

"No!" I paused and then started to talk in my normal tone. "Heather, I wanna go home-"

I was cut off, "If you're gonna treat me like that then there's no way you can come home." My mom added.

I started crying harder, "YOUR HOUSE HASN'T BEEN MY HOME FOR ALMOST A YEAR!" I looked at Heather, "I wanna go home."

"Veronica the hospital hasn't released you yet." She said gently, she was the only one in this room who had realized how fragile I am right now.

"Heather, I'm going home." I started to get out of the bed, I gently put feet on the cold floor. My legs started to shake but I stood up while holding the bed. Heather had already gotten out of bed and was by my side.

"Ronnie lay back down."

"Heather, don't call my daughter that."

Heather was pissed now, "SHUT UP!" I saw her walk over to my mom, she had her attitude back that she had lost the second I was let into the clique. "YOU HAVE CAUSED HER SO MUCH PAIN, MORE THEN YOUR SMALL BRAIN WILL EVER BE ABLE TO PROCESS. SO WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE HER ALONE BEFORE YOU MAKE THINGS WORSE?" While this was happening I was doing my best to make it across the room. I was starting to feel light headed. The second Heather stopped talking she looked at me but it was to late I felt my legs fall out from underneath me and before I could panic everything went black.

I woke up back in the bed with an IV now attached to my arm. I looked to my right and saw Heather, right away she walked over to me and I made room for her to lay down again. I looked to the left and saw my mom and my dad. I looked my mom in the eyes, "I thought I asked you to leave." I said calmly. "And I know Heather told you to leave." She got up and nodded her head before walking out. My dad stood up and started to follow her, "Dad?" He looked back before walking over to me.

"Yes Veronica?" He stood on his knees beside the bed and grabbed my face.

"I miss you."

I saw a tear run down his cheek, "I miss you too." My eyes left his gaze, he gave me a kiss on my forehead before leaving. I then saw a nurse walk in.

"I'm sorry but visiting hours are over."

I looked at Heather and then I felt tears starting to gush out of my eyes again, "No, No, No, Heather I can't stay here without you, I can't."

She grasped my hand, "You'll be ok, you're strong."

"No I'm not, do you not remember why I'm here?" I answered weakly.

The nurse just stared at us, "She scared of hospitals." Heather told her.

"Well I guess you can stay, just don't let anyone else find out." Heather nodded and then the nurse left.

I felt goosebumps cover my body, I was only under a sheet, "Ronnie, are you cold?" I nodded and she got out of bed and grabbed a huge stack of what had to be five blankets. "How many do you want?"

"All of them."

She giggled before covering me with all of the blankets. Then she got back in the small bed with me. I looked into her beautiful grey eyes and immediately got lost in them.

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