Chapter 56: Cake

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Heather Chandler's Pov

I slowly laid kisses on her neck, "Ronnie you need to take your medicine."

She tensed up, "I was hoping you forgot."

"Why can't you just take it?"

"It tastes icky."

"Well you're suppose to be taking it three times a day so please just try and take it."


"Veronica, you promised."

"I know, I just don't wanna throw up again."

"What if I mixed it with something else, would you try then?" She nodded.

I picked up the bottle of syrupy liquid and walked to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and pulled out some kind of fruit punch that Maggie had in there. Then I measured out the medicine and put it in a cup before I filled the rest of the cup with the fruit punch.

I went back to her room and handed her the cup. She looked hesitant, "Ronnie it's not poison." She nodded before taking a sip, "How is it?"

"It's good." She quickly drank the rest, by the time I took the cup back to the kitchen and came back she was already asleep.

A week had went by and Veronica was feeling better. I gently shook her awake, "Ronnie do you wanna make that cake today?" She smiled widely and nodded.

"Well then come on!" I gently tried to pull her out of bed, it took almost 10 minutes but eventually she was up. I lead her into the kitchen and then used my scrunchie to pull her hair into a loose bun. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she laid her head on my chest before I gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "What kind of cake do you want?"


"And what kind of icing do you want on your chocolate cake?"

She smiled wide, "Chocolate."

"Ok, we can do that."

I got out all the ingredients for the cake, flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, sugar, butter, eggs, vegetable oil, milk, vanilla extract, and cocoa powder. Then I preheated the oven to 350 degrees. I got out two bowls and started to mix the dry ingredients in one, "Ronnie could you crack four eggs into the other bowl?"

She nodded and grabbed the eggs but then she stopped, "H-Heather?"

"Yeah hun?" I looked over at her.

"I umm... I don't know how to..." She turned bright red.

"You don't know how to crack eggs?" I asked with a small laugh.


I pressed my lips up against hers, "It ok, I can teach you." She nodded and then watched me crack an egg, "Do you wanna try?" she nodded, "Just try not to get any shells in the bowl." she nodded again but just kind of stood there with the egg in her hand. I stood close behind her and put my hand on top of hers. I set my head on her shoulder and taped the egg on the side of the bowl until it crack. Then I grabbed her other hand and split the shell in half. I saw a small smile creep onto her face before I gave her a forehead kiss and then we cracked the other two eggs. "See, it wasn't that hard." she nodded once more. I continued showing her how to do stuff like this until the batter was done. I poured it into two cake pans and then put them in the oven.

We made a chocolate buttercream frosting and then waited for the oven to beep.

I started to put the frosting in a piping bag when the oven went off, "I'll get it." Veronica told me.

"Ok, just be careful, and make sure you use the oven mi-"

"F*CK!" I turned around and saw Veronica's eyes filled with tears and her holding her hand.

I rushed over to her, "Did you try to take it out with your bare hands?" She nodded as tears ran down her face. I walked over to the oven and turned it off before I put on the oven mitts and took the cake out. I took the mitts off and then walked back over to Veronica, "Are you gonna be ok?" another nod. "Can I see it?" she held out her hand, her palm was red but that was about it. I grabbed a towel and wrapped so ice in it before placing it on her hand. I whipped the tears off her face, "See you're ok." I gave her a kiss on the nose and then picked her up and set her down on the counter.

My dad walked into the kitchen, "I heard someone scream, it everything ok?"

"This goof burned herself but she'll be ok." he nodded and then left.

I put the cakes on a plate and then frosted them, "Do you want some?" she nodded.

I cut both of us a slice, "This is like really good Heather!"

"Thank you." I paused for a second, "And Ronnie?"


I handed her a small box, "Happy Birthday love."

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now