Chapter 21: Maybe you need Therapy?

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Heather Chandler's POV

"Veronica?" I got up and walked to the bathroom. She was standing over the toilet staring into it. "Veronica?" She looked at me and then practically ran into my arms. "What's wrong?"

I heard a door downstairs, "Heather? Veronica? I'm home."

"We're upstairs."

I let go of Veronica and looked in the toilet. "Ronnie, you threw up. I don't see why you're freaking out."

I looked over at her and she was lost in her reflection. I walked back over to her, "Veronica?"

She looked at me, I saw a tear leave her eye.
"I st-st-still see you." I walked her out of the bathroom and then downstairs into the living room. I sat her down on the couch and I waited for my mom to come in. "Mom, can we talk with you about something." I sat down next to Veronica, I felt her shaking.

"Yeah, of course." She looked at Veronica with worried eyes.

"So do you remember in the hospital when Veronica like freaked out in the bathroom?" She nodded. "Ever since that day she's seen me in the mirror instead of her."


"Yeah, and I don't know what to do anymore. I don't want her to go through this because of me."

Veronica spoke up, "H-H-Heather I've already t-told you it's n-n-not your fault."

"Veronica if you see me in the mirror instead of yourself then it is my fault."

"I get why it would be unsettling, but why did you freak out so much, in the hospital." My mom asked.

"When I see her, she l-looks exactly how she did the day of the a-accident."

"She told me she sees d-drain cleaner dripping out of my mouth." I added.

"Well, I'm not a professional but do you think a therapist would help?"

"No, no, no please no." Veronica answered.

"Veronica, I'll go with you." She looked at me and nodded.

My mom left the room. We sat there in each other's arms till she came back. She looked at Veronica, "Your appointments tomorrow."

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now