Chapter 58: The end of Easter dinner

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⚠️ Trigger Warning, this chapter uses homophobic slurs ⚠️

Heather Chandler's Pov

I woke up and saw that Veronica was no longer next to me. I got up and ran downstairs to see Veronica sitting on a couch in the living room and talking to my family. I sat down next to her and gave her a short kiss on the lips. I looked over at my grandma and she looked like she was about to lose her sh*t, so I decided to keep going. I pulled Veronica onto my lap and put one arm around her waist and used my other hand to run my fingers through her messy hair.
I used the hand around her waist to start drawing circles on her stomach with my fingertips.

My grandma finally spoke up, "Heather, quit."

"Hmm?" I replied.

"Quit doing that!" she almost screamed.

I looked at Veronica and then I look back at my grandma, "Why can Jason do it with his girlfriend but I can't do it with mine?" I looked over at Jason and him and his girlfriend were making out.

"Because it's disgusting when you two do it!" I looked at Veronica again and she was fidgeting with her bracelet.

Before I could reply my dad walked in the door, "They let me leave work early for Easter so I thought I would come over." He walked over to my mom and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. He let out a small chuckle, "Why's everyone so tense?"

My grandma looked at my dad, "You really just let them do this?" My grandma was pointing at us.

I could hear Veronica's breath getting shaky, "Yeah, I see nothing wrong with it." He replied.

"At least Maggie's normal."She said quietly, "Can you not see that the dyke she's dating isn't good enough for her?" My dad looked shocked, he looked back and forth between me and his mom.

There were tears running down Veronica's face now. My mom walk over and sat down next to us. I gently pushed Veronica off my lap and walked over to my grandma, "I want you to listen because I'm not gonna say this again. Call her Veronica, Veronica is the smartest girl out of our entire school system. Earlier you said she wasn't pretty, she's the most gorgeous person I have ever seen, open your f*cking eyes. And lastly she is the funniest, most loving, caring girl in the world. I want you to leave her alone because she's been through enough in the last year, she doesn't deserve your crap too." I walked over to me dad, "I need your keys because we're going home." He handed them to me, "Thank you." I walked over to Veronica and picked her up, "Come on, were going home, Love." I looked at my grandma and raised my middle finger before I walked out of the house.

The drive home was quiet, I don't think Veronica said a single word to me. I parked and then carried Veronica up to our room, "I'm sorry."

"For what? It wasn't your fault." She threw herself onto the bed.

I sat down next to her, "But I feel bad, I didn't think that it would end like that."

Veronica sat on my lap and put her face around an inch away from mine, "I know a way you can make it up to me."

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