Chapter 7: The Party

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Heather Chandler's POV

"Hey Ronnie, do you wanna have a party tonight?" I asked my girlfriend.

"Not really. And aren't your parents gonna be home?"

"No, they're going to my Aunt's house so they won't be home till early tomorrow morning. And what if it was just like you, me, Maggie, Heather, and Heather?"

"I guess."

In less then 20 minutes Mac and Duke had already showed up with Alcohol. "Now Maggie if you promise not to tell mom and dad I'll give you some Vodka or something."

"Sounds good to me." She answered.

We threw a pizza in the oven and we turned on some music. We danced around like idiots, but It was fine cause that's just what friends do.

It was getting late and I was already on my third cup of Vodka, Ronnie was on her second, Duke was also on her third, and Mac was just there to supervise. But Mac was also making sure Maggie didn't get any more alcohol then the small sip I had given her.

"I'm gonna throw up."

"My god, you are such a lightweight Ronnie." We walked quickly the bathroom so she could empty her stomach. I held back her hair and then cleaned up her face her she was done.

"I'm calling it quits." Duke finally said.

"Me too, I've gotta watch her the rest of the night."

"Hey it's like 2 am Duke. I think it's time for us to go. Bye Heather, bye Veronica. We'll see you on Monday."

"Ok, bye." I answered back. "Ok I think it's time for all three of us to go to bed now."

We all went upstairs, Maggie went to her room and Veronica and I went to mine. She put on an old hoodie, and a pair of sweats while I put on a silky red robe.

We laid down together, but before I could go to sleep I found the petite girls lips on mine.

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now