Chapter 9: The hospital

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Veronica Sawyer's POV

I woke up to a loud noise. I was in a hospital bed and the bed next to me had Heather Chandler in it. I had no idea why I was here but then the events of yesterday hit me like a freight train. Tears started to seep out of my eyes again. I knew I was in the hospital and it scared me to death.

"Ronnie, are you ok?" I looked over to see confused Heather Chandler looking at me.

I tried to get up but my body was stiff. I eventually got up and I walked over to Heather, she moved over so there was room for me to get in her bed. I laid down next to her and held her waist. I had to be gentle though, she was connected to what seemed like so many tubes but in reality there were only two.

"Hey, Veronica are you ok?" She only used my real name when things were serious or she was mad, but neither really happened very often.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking that?" I said to avoid the question she kept asking.

"I'm fine. But are you ok?"

The tears started to come out of my eyes faster and my breath started to sped up. I tried to slow it down but I couldn't.

"Ronnie I'm sorry, please calm down. I didn't mean to upset you."

I laid my head on her shoulder and just sat there shaking, that's when our nurse walked in.

"I see you two have made yourselves at home." That when she noticed what was happened, she ran over to us. "Veronica, are you ok?" I didn't answer. "This was actually something I wanted to talk about with you and your parents." My parents, do they even know I'm here, and if they do, do they even care?

That's when Heather spoke up. "She actually lives with me, her parents and her don't get along."

"Ok well then I'm gonna have to talk with your parents then. So I'll leave you two alone till then. But before I leave do you want the TV on?" Heather nodded, so the nurse turned on the TV and the news came on. Then she walked out.

"All of Westerburg high dead but 5 students. A student at the high school hid a bomb that he then blew up at a pep rally. The 5 students, Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, Heather McNamara, Maggie Chandler, and Veronica Sawyer are the only students left, they are in the hospital for unrelated injuries. That is all we know now but be sure to stand by."

My breathing stopped, but the tears started to come out faster.

"I guess were lucky to be in the hospital." Was all Heather could spit out. We just sat there in silence until Heather's mom and Maggie walked in.

"Are you two ok? Veronica what's wrong?"

"I-I-I'm f-fine." That's when the nurse walked back in.

"Hello Mrs.Chandler." She happily greeted her.


"There was actually something I wanted to talk about with you."

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