Chapter 71:Italian

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Heather Chandler's Pov

The second we got home Veronica and I walked up to our room, I pushed her up against the wall, "You look really nice in that dress Ronnie."

"Th-Thank you." I pressed my lips up against hers and then started to pepper kisses all over her face. She let out a small laugh, "St-Stop that tickles." I smirked against her face and continued what I was doing.

Then there was a knock at the door, "Hey..." It was my mom, "...we're gonna drop Maggie off at Emma's and then we're gonna spend the night at your aunts house, so you two are gonna be here alone until tomorrow morning." She told us through the door.

"Ok mom!" I whispered the next part, "Maybe we could watch a movie later, hmm?"


The second we heard the front door shut I grabbed her hand and we started walking downstairs. We sat down on the couch and I let out a sigh, "I don't feel like having sex."

I looked over at Veronica and her face was bright red. Then I watched her fidget with her ring, "C-Can we still make out?"

I laughed a little and then pulled her into my lap, "Yeah." I rested my hand on her cheek and pulled her face closer until our lips met. I started to bite her lip and then slid my tongue into her mouth when they parted.

This continued for a while until the phone rang. Veronica pulled away, "I'll get it."

She got up and walked over to it before picking it up.

"Hello... yes this is her... ok." My eyes met hers, "It's for me, they transferring the phone to someone."

"They didn't say who they were transferring it to?"

She shook her head and then returned her attention to the phone, "Hello?" Her face expression changed, "Why are you calling me?"
She rolled her eyes. This time when she spoke she was practically screaming, "Why would I want to see you!" Then she started screaming faster and in a different language, it wasn't French or Spanish, I honestly didn't know she was fluent in any languages other than english.

By the time she was done she had tears streaming down her face. She walked over to me and sat back down in my lap, "Are you ok?"


"Who was it?"

"M-My mom."

"Ok, what language were you screaming in?"


She moved so that she was now laying down with her head in my lap, "I didn't know that you could speak Italian."

"Well my dad taught me and Reed when we were younger because his family's Italian but my mom didn't want to learn it, so when I used to get mad at her I would speak Italian so she wouldn't know what I was saying."

"So what were you saying?"

"I was mostly just cursing and calling her a bad person." We sat there in silence for a second, "So umm, why didn't you want to have ummm ya know."

I laughed a little, "Ya know you're 17 you can say the word sex."

Her face turned red and she started to fidget with her ring again, "You didn't answer the question."

"I just don't feel very good."

"Why, what's wrong? Are you sick?" She put her hand on my forehead.

"Don't worry, I'm perfectly fine."

"If you're fine then why don't you feel good?"

I rolled my eyes, "It's perfectly normal Ronnie, I'm fine."



She laughed a little, "Nothing."

I playfully hit her shoulder, "Tell me!"

"Someone got her period." She answered while poking at my sides.

"Yeah yeah, I don't know why you're making fun of me you should have yours right now too."

"Nope, mine shouldn't come until tomorrow."

"Well yours only lasts for like 3 days so it doesn't count."

"It totally counts! How long does yours last for?"

"7 days, also you don't get cramps so I'll say it again it doesn't count."

"Yes it does!" We both paused for a second, "Do you need anything?"

I rolled my eyes, "I just wanna watch a movie and cuddle with my favorite person."

"Who's your favorite person?"

"You, dumba$$!"

She got up and walked over to the movie cabinet, "You don't have to be so rude."

"Then don't ask stupid questions."

"What do you wanna watch?"

"I don't care you can pick."

"Halloween it is!" She put the movie in and then walked over to me, "Where do you want me to sit."

"Anywhere's fine."

She smirked, "Can I lay on you?"

"Yeah, go ahead."

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now