Chapter 14: The CT scan

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Veronica Sawyer's POV

I woke up to a pounding headache and my throat burning. I needed to get up but I didn't want to wake Heather up. But when I felt something starting to come up my throat I knew I needed to get up. As fast as I could I got up and started to run to the bathroom, I ended up only getting halfway there before I threw up. I sat down on the floor and looked over at Heather.

She looked at me and got up. "Are you ok." Then she realized I threw up. She grabbed my hand and walked me into the bathroom. She sat me down next to the toilet. "I'm gonna go get the nurse." I nodded then she left. Before she got back I had already thrown up two more times.

Heather walked back into the bathroom. "She's getting you a trash can so you can sit in bed again." She sat down next to me and held my hair back. She looked in the toilet and then looked at me. "I don't understand how you can throw up, you haven't actually ate anything for days.

The nurse walked into the bathroom and gave me a small trash can. "Do you have a headache?" I nodded. "Ok and do you think you could walk back over to Heather's bed?" I nodded again. I felt Heather pull me up and we started to walk but I couldn't help looking in the mirror. I stopped walking, I saw Heather in the mirror again. I threw up, but in the sink this time. I looked down at it and it was blue. My breath stopped and the tears started then I felt myself fall backwards, but Heather caught me again. We walked back to her bed and I laid down.

"I'll be back, Heather can count how many times she throws up?" The nurse asked.

Heather nodded and then sat down next to me. By the time the nurse got back I had already thrown up 11 times.

"Ok I didn't think we would have to but we're gonna have to give you a CT scan."

I started to shake my head. "N-n-no I can't. No, no, no, no." I threw up again.

"We've already called Heather's mom, and we're not going to do anything till she gets here."

10 minutes later Heather's mom walk into our room. She walked over to me and started to run her fingers though my hair. "I'm sorry" was all she said.

The nurse walked over. "We need your permission to do a CT scan and we need you to contact one of her parents for the anxiety medication."

"You can do the scan and I'll can her parents later."

"Please call my dad." I spit out.

"Ok hun."

The doctors came in and Me, Heather, and her mom walked to a room with a big machine in it. I spotted the trash can and I ran over to it, and yet again I threw up. The doctor explained what they were going to do and then they told Heather and her mom to go wait in the room next door.

"Can at least one of them stay?" I asked.

"No I'm sorry."

I felt a tear run down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away. They told me to lay down on a table and waited till I was asleep to do the next part.

I woke up back in our room in my own bed. Heather noticed I was awake and walked over to me. I moved over so she could get in my bed.

"Your dad's here. He's signing for you to get medication."

I frowned. I didn't want to have to take pills everyday, I didn't need them anyways.

"You have a crack in your skull. So now I get released tomorrow and you leave in four days."

"Wait what?" I started to cry. I didn't want to be stuck here all alone.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna stay with you until you can leave."

My dad walked in. "Veronica!" He walked over to me. And started to play with my hair. "Are you ok?" I know he only asked this because I was crying.

I laughed. "Well I'm in the hospital." He just looked worried after I said this.

"I'm sorry I didn't come, you're mom wouldn't let me." I nodded, he looked over at Heather. "Hi Heather, it's nice to see you again."

She nodded. "You too."

"Veronica I'm gonna go pick up your medication and then I'll be back." I nodded and then he left. I moved in closer to Heather and she wrapped her arm around me.

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now