Chapter 54: Bow Ties

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Maggie's Pov

I heard a knock on my door, "What?"

The door opened and Heather popped her head in, "Can I come in?"

"I guess." Heather walked in and shut the door before walking over to my bed and sitting down next to me.

"Where's your girlfriend?"

"She's sleeping. But I was wondering if we could talk about something."

She laid her hand on my shoulder, "Don't touch me."

"Maggie are you gay?"

I glared at her, "Wow you're just hopping right into, aren't you?"

"Well are you?"

"Why are you so godd*mn nosy?"

"Because you told me you're gay?"

"Well I told you I'm gay, why would I tell you I was gay if I wasn't. Are you a moron?" I felt her bring me into a hug, "How many times do I have to f*cking tell you not to touch me!"

She let go and looked at me, "Sooo do you have a crush on anyone?"

"Why would I tell you if I did."

"Because I too am a lesbian and I know how to get the chicks, if you know what I mean."

I rolled my eyes, "I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Shut up, who is it?"

I put a huge goofy grin on my face, "Well there's this girl."

"Do I know her?"


"What's her name?"


"Veronica? Veronica who?"

"Veronica Sawyer." I said as sweetly as possible.

"Shut up, I'm trying to help you. Just tell me her name!"


"I won't tell anyone."

I started laughing, "That's funny, cause I know for a fact you would tell your precious little Veronica."

"No I won't!"

"Leave." I said about at b*tchy as possible.


"Leave, you're pissing me off."

Heather glared at me before leaving, "Wouldn't tell Veronica my a$$." I mumbled under my breath.

Heather Chandler's Pov

Veronica was sitting in my lap again, "I just don't know what I'm doing wrong." I stated as I played with her hair.

"Heather, she just isn't ready to talk about it. If I would have asked you if you were gay back in freshman year you would have freaked too."

"Yeah you're right I would have freaked because my crush would have been asking me if I was gay."

"That not what I mean and you know it."

I rolled my eyes, "Are you hungry yet?" She nodded. "Ok well whatever you want I'll make it."

"Can we make spaghetti, but hear me out we just make the noodles."

"I can do that, I'll be back."

She scooted off my lap and I got up but before I walked away she grabbed my hand, "Can I help you?"

"Hun, I'm just gonna boil water and then put in some noodles." She gave me puppy dog eyes, "Ok." I started to walk away but she sat there, "Are you coming or what?"

"Will you carry me?"

I let out a small laugh, "Only if you take your medicine tonight." Her face scrunched up and she shook her head, "Then I'm not gonna carry you."

"Ok fine." I walked back over to her and picked her up.

I walked her into the kitchen and set her on the counter before grabbing a pot. I filled it a little over half way before setting it on the stove and turning it on medium.

"We don't have any pasta up here so do you wanna go downstairs and pick out which kind you want?" She nodded so I picked her up again and walked downstairs.

"Ok we have normal spaghetti, macaroni, bow ties, and shells. So which do you want."

"Bow Ties." She answered with a huge grin.

I nodded and then grabbed the box before going back upstairs. I set her back down on the counter, then we waited for the water to boil.

Veronica looked so miserable. She already has enough going on and now she's sick, which I know is my fault because it took me forever to find her on that night she went up to the roof.

I put one of my hand on her cheek and the other on her waist before I pulled her into a kiss. She immediately threw herself into the kiss, she was hungry for something, something I couldn't give her right now.

"Ewww, if you're gonna do that crap do it in your own room." I pulled away and saw Maggie standing there.

"What happened to you, you used to be so nice."

Maggie grabbed a bag of fruit snacks before answering me, "Heather, you still have all your friends but all of mine died when that creep blew up the school, do you know how hard it is to have to make all new friends and lose all your old ones?" I could see tears starting to fill her eyes.

I walked over to her and brought her into a hug, "I'm sorry."

She pulled out of my arms and walked back to her room.

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now