Chapter 38: Back in the Hospital

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⚠️ Trigger Warning this chapter includes cutting ⚠️

Veronica Sawyer's POV

I woke up in Heather's arms with my face still red and puffy, I did my best to get out of her grasp without waking her up and then I walked to the bathroom. I closed the door and then looked into the mirror. By now is was what? March, Heather and I are supposed to start college in around 5 months. I'll be going for a writing degree and she'll be going for a culinary degree. We both got into Harvard, but is this real what I wanted? I had always said it's been my dream to go to Harvard when in reality it's always been my mom's. Do you even have to get a degree to be a successful writer? But I do know Heather wants to go to college and there's no way I could live without her for practically 4 years. I pulled a razor blade out of my pocket, Mac did this for years and she's still fine so how bad could it really hurt me? But which way did she used to go? Screw it I'm gonna cut vertically. I laid the blade against my wrist before pushing down to make a long cut down my left arm. I quickly made a matching one on the right and then I just sat there. I looked around and there was now warm sticky blood all over the white tile floor. I felt myself start to drift in and out of conciseness. I saw the door open and for the last time I closed my eyes.

Heather Chandler's POV

I woke up to see no Veronica laying next to me and right away I couldn't breathe anymore. I quickly got up and walked over to the bathroom and then opened the door. I saw Veronica sitting on the floor in her own blood and unconscious. I quickly picked her up and went out to the car. I carefully laid her in the back seat and then started to drive to the hospital.

By the time we had made it the back of my car was covered in blood but I don't really care. I picked up Veronica and ran her into the hospital. Right away they took her from me, I was told to just wait until they came and got me.

After a grueling 3 hours a nurse walked up to me and told me she was in room 326. I thanked her and then quickly made my way up to the 3rd floor. I walked in and she looked so lifeless. I tried to think of her being full of energy or happy like the day I took her under my wing, but I truly couldn't imagine her like that. A doctor walked in and told me that Veronica had lost a lot of blood but she would be fine.

I pulled a chair up to her bed and waited, after another long 45 minutes I saw her eyes start to flutter open.

"H-Heather? What's going on? I thought I..." She paused for a second.

I carefully pulled her into a hug, "You though what?" I let go of her and looked into her eyes they were starting to fill with tears.

"I d-died." I felt my heart stop.

"What do you mean you died?"

"I slit my wrists Heather, and right after you came to get me..."

Everything went silent, I looked at Veronica's wrists which both now had a long row of stitches going down both of them. I felt tears starting to gush out of my eyes, I could have prevented this but now my lovey girlfriend has to spend who knows how long in the place she hates the most.

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