Chapter 23: The date

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Heather Chandler's POV

My mom walked into my room, "I'm gonna be taking your sister out to New York tonight, so it'll just be you two here tonight." I remember one time when my mom took me up to New York for the weekend, we had to of spent at least two thousand dollars. I nodded, she then left.

I looked at Veronica, "Do you wanna have a date night tonight?"

She smiled and nodded. "So, where are we going?"

"Well that's gonna be a surprise."

By 7 o'clock we were ready to leave. I looked myself up and down in the mirror. I was wearing a red tank top, red heels, a short black leather skirt and a matching jacket. I left my long strawberry blonde hair down, I did light makeup but used a dark red lipstick. Veronica came out of the bathroom and d*mn she looked good. She had a blue dress on that hugged all the right places but became flowy before stopping at her mid thigh, a pair of black combat boots, light mascara, blush, and her messy brown hair was down. Her nose was bruised from two days before but I think it made her look cuter. She walked over to me and grabbed my hand. I led the way down the stairs and into the garage. I opened her door and let her get in. I then walked over and got into the driver's side. She looked at me and then she leaned in for a kiss. When she pulled away I noticed that her lips were now a light shade of red from my lip stick. I pulled out of the garage and drove to a locally owned Italian Restaurant called "Scola la Pasta" We got out of the car and walked in, it was a Wednesday so they weren't very busy, so we were seated right away.

I heard Veronica say "woah" under her breath, I guess she's probably never been here. This place is normally somewhere that you go on dates at, and I was the first person she had ever dated so it made sense.

I ordered stuffed shells and she got spaghetti but made sure to tell them she wanted extra oregano, which made me giggle. We sat there holding hands and having small talk.

When the food came we practically scarfed it down, but before the check came I ordered a piece of chocolate cake for us to share.

After paying the check we went back to the car and I drove to lake Sherwood, which was in our city park. We got out and started to walk on a path around the lake. I saw Veronica shiver so I took off my jacket and handed it to her.

"Won't you be cold?"

"No, I'll be fine."

She took the jacket and put it on, then she wrapped one of her arms around my waist and I wrapped one of mine around her shoulders.

After walking around the lake a couple times we got back in the car and went home. I parked the car in the garage and then we went inside.

Veronica said, "Thanks for tonight." Then she leaned in for a kiss. When she pulled away I gently pushed her up against the wall. Then I leaned in again and again.

She grabbed my hand and then ran up the stairs. She threw off my jacket, her shoes, and then her socks. Then she threw herself onto my bed. I took off my heels, got on the bed, and then stood on my knees over her.

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now