Chapter 44: Bubble Bath

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Veronica Sawyer's Pov

I woke up with my head in Heathers lap, I looked over at the clock and saw it was 2:30 a.m. I quickly got up, trying my best not to wake up Heather. I walked into the bathroom and walked over to the bathtub, I turned the hot water on all the way and then waited. I started looking through the cabinets and saw that Heather had a bottle of bubble bath solution, which made me laugh. I poured in a cap full and then turned off the water. I took my clothes off and then stepped into the water, I could feel it burning my skin but I would be fine. I got in all the way and before I knew it I had fallen back asleep.

I woke up in lukewarm water with Heather standing at the door. I filled the bathtub with some more hot water and when I was done Heather got in. I made my way over to her so that I was laying my head on her chest and then I closed my eyes, "As much as I want to I can't let you sleep if we're in the bathtub baby."
I felt her reach to grab something and then she put it in my hair and gently started running her fingers through it. I eventually feel asleep again even though she told me not to.

"Yo girl, keep it together." It was my Heather but something was off.

"I knew you would come far." She was paler then normal and had a blue tint.

"Now you're truly a Heather."

"Smell how gangsta you are?" She gave me a small smirk.

"Yo girl feel a bit punchy?" Kurt and Ram were now there.

"She's not looking so well." Kurt spit out.

"Still you're earned that red scrunchie!" Ram added.

The next part was said by all three of them, "Come join Heather in hell!"

I jolted awake to Heather still running her fingers through my hair. My eyes started to fill with tears, "Ronnie what's wrong?" She looked at me and when I didn't answer she got up and grabbed two towels. First she dried herself off and then she lead me out of the tub and wrapped the towel around me. She picked me up and carried me to her bed before she went into her closet and grabbed me a red silky robe and herself the same one in blue. She put it on me before she went back to the bathroom for a second. When she came back she got into bed with me, I closed my eyes and snuggled up to her.

I dated JD.

We killed Heather.

We killed Kurt and Ram

JD tried to blow up the school but ended up blowing himself up.

I felt myself jolt awake, "Are you ok?" I nodded. "Are you sure?"

I moved closer to her, "N-n-no" I felt tears start to drip down my face.

She brought me into a hug, "Shhhhh, it's ok baby girl."

"N-no it's not, n-n-nothing is o-ok."

I felt her body start to shake so I pulled out of her grasp, "H-heather?"

I saw tears pouring down her face, "I-I'm sorry I t-try t-t-to be strong for b-both of us b-b-but I just c-can't."

I tried my best to pull myself together, "Heather I'm s-sorry if I made you think you h-had to do that. You're aloud to not be ok a-and I'm here for you when you're not." I saw her quickly trying to wipe away her tears, "Hey it's ok to cry Heather."

After I said that she broke down, "Hey breathe honey."

"I-I c-can't." she said as she gulped for air.

"Ok ummm, breathe with me ok? Ready, In. Out. In. Out."

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