Chapter 42: Sandusky

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Heather Chandler's Pov

I picked up my phone and right away heard a frantic voice, "Hey, could you come back down to the hospital, Veronica requested to see you."

"Yeah, is something wrong?"

"Yeah, I'll explain when you get here."

I hung up and then walked out to my car, I drove as fast as I could and ended up getting there in less then 10 minutes. I ran into the hospital and right away they took me back to Veronica's room.

"Hey baby girl."

Veronica looked up and her bloodshot and tear filled eyes met mine. I walked over to her and sat down next to her. "I-I-It w-w-was him."

I brought her into a hug, "Ronnie do you think you would be ok if I left for a moment..." I saw her quickly shake her head, "... I'd be right back." Hesitantly she gave me a small nod. I gave her a kiss on her forehead before walking out of the room and then up to the front desk. "What triggered her to have that panic attack?" I asked as kindly as I could.

"I don't know, I just let her into that room and then I heard banging on the door so I opened it and found her like that."

"Was anyone else in the room?"

"Just Jason but he's one of the sweetest guys I-"


"Yeah do you know him?"

"I need to take her home right now."

"Well you can't do that, one of her parents would have to do that."

"Why? Her parents didn't sign her in."

"You can't sign her out, you can come pick her up in a week when she's released but you can't sign her out."

I walk back to her room and laid down next to her. She quickly clung to me, "I'm sorry V."

I heard her make a noise that sounded like a whimper before she nuzzled her head into my shoulder. I heard her start to quietly snore, then I saw a nurse walk in, "I'm sorry but she's only allowed to have visitors for 15 minutes a day."

I nodded and then tried to gently move her off of me but I ended up waking her up, "W-where are you going?"

"Ronnie, I have to leave you're only allowed to have visitors for 15 minutes a day."

"But JD is here I can't stay here with him!"

"I'm sorry baby girl." I gently laid a kiss on her lips, "I'll be back tomorrow."

She nodded and then I left. I just drove, I didn't know where I was going I just needed a break.

I drove for almost 40 minutes before I saw a sign that told me exactly where to go, "Sandusky. Cedar Point next exit."

Cedar point wasn't open right now but it was one of Veronica's favorite places, she couldn't wait for May, when they opened. I had promised her a season pass this year and I had bought them and am planning on surprising her.

I parked my car and started walking on the long road that lead to the peninsula, the smell of fishy water filled my nose. I walked until I reached the toll booths and I sat against one of them, watching the lake.

I watched the sun slowly start to set and I knew it was time to go home, I walked back to the car and drove back to Sherwood.

I walked into the house and right away was brought into a hug by my mother, "I was so worried, you were gone for almost 10 hours."

"I'm s-sorry." I felt tears quickly start to seep out my eyes.

"Oh my gosh, don't cry. It's not that big of a deal." She lead me over to the couch and pulled me into another hug, "Have you ate yet today?" I shook my head, I used to be anorexic so before Veronica and I got together she used to always ask me if I had ate, "Heather, you really have to eat honey." She got up and walked into the kitchen while I continued to cry like the mess I was slowly becoming. She walked back in with a bowl of tomato soup and she handed it to me, I gently placed it on the ground and stared at it. "Heather please eat." I shook my head. I felt her gently place her cold hand on my chin so that my eyes meet hers. She gently wiped away a couple tears, "Hon, I've never seen you like this, what's wrong?" I kept my mouth shut, "Please just tell me."

"Mom, my girlfriend is in a mental hospital. I've finally realized that she has such a bad past that I can't help her-" I wanted to say more but my voice broke. I stood up and started walking upstairs.


"No, I don't want anyone's pity."

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