Chapter 20: Suspension

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Veronica Sawyer's POV

He punched my nose a lot harder then I punched his. I closed my eyes and when I opened them instead of some annoying twerp named Austin I saw JD. I punched his cheek and he went for my eye. I couldn't lose though, I kneed him in the stomach but before he feel to the ground he punched my throat. I felt myself slowly lose consciousness before I felt my legs go out.

I woke up with Heather and Heather standing over me, but the Heather I really wanted wasn't there. It was so hard to breathe, I tried to say something but instead ended up spitting up blood. Mac noticed and handed me a trash can. "Where's Heather?" I asked in a raspy voice.

"She's talking with the principal, I could go get her." Duke answered. I nodded and then she walked out of the room. I closed my eyes, I was laying on a very uncomfortable bed in what looked like the nurses office. I opened my eyes and saw Chandler run in, behind her was Duke and a woman who couldn't be over 25.

She kneed down next to me. "I'm sorry." She whispered so only I could hear.

"Don't be, I was the one who hit him."

"But I was the one who gave you the idea."

"He deserved it." Chandler hugged me. I felt more blood come up so I spit it in the trash can. She looked at me with worried eyes. "Heather, I'm ok."

"No you're not Ronnie. Do you wanna go home? We're supposed to be at lunch right now, so we only have about 2 hours left until we're supposed to go home."

"Heather I'm fine." I spit more blood into the trash can. I was starting to feel light headed but I couldn't tell Heather that. She just looked at me sympathetically. "I'm f-f-fine."

"See you're stuttering, I know that means you're not fine."

The woman walked over. "Veronica, I'm the principal. I was wondering if I could talk to you." I nodded.

"Why did you hit that poor kid?" She asked.

"I w-was defending m-m-myself."

"Heather you didn't tell me that."

Chandler gave a snarky answer. "You didn't ask." There was a pause. "He called me and her dÿkes." I felt hot tears starting to spill out

"Well this changes everything, we were gonna suspend you but this changes everything." She left the room. I spit into the trash can again, I looked down at it and it was a lot.

The principal walked back in. "Heather I want you to take Veronica back home, and you two can have an excused absence for the rest of the week, I'll see you next Monday." Heather nodded and then walked over to me. Duke and Mac followed, the three girls helped me out of bed and then we walked out to the car. Heather
and I got in, Duke and Mac watched our car pull out before going back in the school.

I felt more blood come up. "Do you have somewhere I can spit?"

"No, I'm sorry. We could stop somewhere, and we could get lunch."

I smiled at her and nodded.

In less then 10 minutes we were at the Applebee's in Sherwood, which meant she was speeding. But I'm not complaining. We got out of the car and I walked over to a trash can to empty my mouth.

We walked in and they set us at a booth. I got in one side and then Heather sat down next to me. I laid my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes to a huge plate of fries in front of me. "I wasn't sure what you wanted, and I didn't want to wake you up. So I'm sorry if I got the wrong thing."

I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "You did a good job." I answered before I started to eat my fries. It hurt my throat a lot and Heather noticed.

"Does it hurt your throat?" I nodded. "Mine still hurts sometimes." She paused, "I know you don't want to, and I won't make you but do you think we should go to the hospital?"

I shook my head. "No I'm ok." I answered with my raspy voice.

She nodded and then snuggled back up to me. We paid the check and then went home.

We went inside to find a note saying that Heather's mom was shopping but she knew we were coming home early because the school called. We walk up to Heather's room and we both put on sweatpants, hoodies, and our glasses. We sat down on her bed and cuddled, I felt more of what I was guessing was blood so I got up and went to the bathroom. But what I spit out didn't look like blood to me.

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