Chapter 59: Wendy's

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Veronica Sawyer's Pov

"And what would that be Ronnie?" she asked with a smirk.

I moved in closer to close the gap and then I started to run my fingers through her hair.

We heard a knock on her door, "Are you f*cking kidding me?" she whispered.

She walked over to the door and opened it, "I outed myself to the entire family after you left." Maggie stated.

Heather laughed, "Join the club." and then she moved over so that Maggie could come in.

Maggie sat on the bed, "Grandma said I was normal so after you left I told her I was also gay and then she flipped again."

Heather threw herself down next to me and then grabbed my hand, "What'd she say?"

"She mostly just screamed at dad and told him she was disappointed that he raised two gay children. So it looks like we're probably not going to grandma's house for holidays anymore."

I looked down at my lap, this was my fault. Heather looked like she knew what I was thinking, "Ronnie, baby?" I kept looking down but she grabbed my chin so our eyes met again, "Quit blaming yourself for this."


"No, stop. It's not your fault, end of story."

I opened my mouth to say something but her parents walked in so I decided to drop it.

Heather's mom walked over, sat down next to me, and put an arm around me, "Are you feeling any better?" I nodded, "Are you sure? You still seem a little off." I nodded again.

I was starting to bite my nails when she gently grabbed my chin, "You couldn't possibly think this is your fault?" I looked down, trying my best to avoid the question.

I felt Heather wrap her arms around me and soon enough I was sitting on her lap. I tried my best to avoid her eye line but she grabbed my chin, "Ronnie, this isn't your fault love."

I laid my forehead on her shoulder and felt myself start to drift off.

I woke up to something tickling my neck. I opened my eyes to see that it was Heather.

"Are you up?" I nodded, "You've been asleep for a long time love."

"How long?"

"Well it's 11 p.m. and you fell asleep around 3 p.m. so I doubt you'll be able to sleep tonight."

"Have you ate dinner yet?"

"No, are you hungry?" I nodded.

She picked me up and walked into the kitchen, "So, what do you want to eat."

I put a dorky grin on my face, "You."

She gently hit my shoulder, "Veronica Winona Sawyer!"

"I don't know, just surprise me or something."

Heather started to carry me downstairs and then out the door, "I'm not wearing any shoes."

"We'll just drive through somewhere so you don't really need shoes."

"Oh." She set me down in the passenger seat and then sat down in the driver's seat, "I thought you didn't like fast food."

She put the key in the ignition and started the car, "Not really, but I know you like it. So where are we going?"


She nodded and then pulled out of the driveway, as she drove I rested my hand on the inside of her thigh.

After about ten minutes we pulled into the drive through, "Ok what do ya want?"


"Well what size dingus?"

"I don't know."

"Then I'm getting you a large." I nodded, "What do you want to drink?"

"A frosty."

"What flavor?"

"Obviously chocolate."

She ordered and then handed me the food before she started to drive back home.

I looked over at her, she has really long legs so there should be enough room, I bet I could fit. I'm gonna do it. I unbuckled my seatbelt, then stood up and sat on her lap.

"Ronnie you're gonna make me crash." I rested my head on her shoulder and felt one of her hands started to lightly trail up and down my back. I let myself start to drift off.

When I woke up Heather was still rubbing my back but the car was parked and her other arm was wrapped around me. I could hear her gently humming in my ear so I decided to pretend like I was asleep.

After what felt like 5 minutes she finally said something, "Are you awake, Love?" she asked softly.


"Let's go inside and then after you eat you can go back to sleep." I nodded. She grabbed the food, "Can you hold this?" I took it out of her hand and then we went inside. Once we were in Heather's room she set me down and I put the bag of food on the bed and the frosty on her bedside table. She went into her closet and came back with only underwear on and two silky robes.

She put on one and handed me one but I just laid there, "Will you put it on me?"

She sat down next to me, "You are so needy." She took off my shirt and shorts before putting the robe on me and gently tying it shut. She handed me my large fry and my frosty.

We shared the fry and frosty, she looked disgusting when I started to dip my fries in the frosty, "That is seriously disgusting hun."

"Have you ever tried it?"

"No." she said quietly.

"Try it."

She hesitantly took a fry and dipped in the frosty before eating it, "Ok, it's kinda good."


"It's really good."

When we were done we laid down but I couldn't fall asleep, "Are you up?" I whispered.

"Yeah, my back hurts."

"Why does your back hurt?"

"Because my boobs are huge Ronnie." she answered with a small laugh.

"Oh." I thought for a second, "Lay on your stomach."


"Lay on your stomach." she did what I said and I start to rub her back.

She let out a small moan, "That fells so good."

After a while I laid back down and snuggled up to her before falling asleep.

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