Chapter 62: Maggie's Polaroids

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Heather Chandler's Pov

Veronica and I walked inside and I realized that her cheek was bruised, "Veronica, your whole cheek is purple."

She avoided looking into my eyes, "I'm fine."

I grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and then we went up to our room. We sat down and I put the ice pack on her cheek. She pulled away, "Ronnie, please baby." I put it back on her cheek she let out a small whimper, "What's wrong?


I placed a soft kiss on her lips, "Are ya sure?"

Her face started to turn pink. She looked down, "Yeah."

I went in for another kiss but there was a knock at the door, "Come in."

Maggie walked in and shut the door behind her before sitting down on the bed, "Can I talk to you two about something?"

She wasn't being her normal b*tchy self, "Yeah." I took the ice pack off of Veronica's cheek and set it on the bed.

Veronica laid her head in my lap, "Well there's this girl..."

I smiled, "Yeah?"

"Yeah, and I want to ask her out but I don't know how to."

I looked at Veronica but she just shrugged, "Well I just went for it. I had liked her for a couple of years before I finally got the courage to ask."

Veronica finally spoke up, "This wouldn't be that Emma girl would it?"

Maggie's face turned red, "Do you have any pictures of her?" Maggie nodded and then left the room.

Veronica crawled onto my lap and set her lips on mine. She started to nip at my lip but I pulled away. She looked surprised, "I'm sorry, Maggie's gonna be back any second now." She nodded but she still looked disappointed, "Hey, I promise we will but we just have to wait Ronnie."

Maggie walked back in with a couple polaroids and handed them to me. In all of them was a short girl with green eyes, freckles, and flaming red hair, "She's awfully cute." Most of them were the two together and others had huge groups of people in them.

I passed the pictures over to Veronica, "Is she nice?"

She answered quickly, "She's wonderful."

Veronica handed the pictures back to Maggie, "It looks like you picked a good one."

"So what's the plan?" I asked.

"Well she's coming over this weekend."

I looked at Veronica, "We still need to ask Heather and Heather if they can come over."

Veronica nodded and then looked back at Maggie, "Good Luck."

"Thanks." Then she left.

Veronica brought our lips back together. She started to nip at my lip, I pulled away again. "We have school tomorrow."

"It's 8 o'clock Heather. We're normally lucky if we get an hour of sleep." She paused, "It'll help me fall asleep." She nuzzled her head into my neck.

"Are you sure?" She nodded, "Same rule as last time, no making noise or I'm gonna punish you." (kiNky) She nodded and I stood up and locked the door.

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