Chapter 46: Kisses

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⚠️ Warning: Badly written Smut ⚠️

Heather Chandler's Pov

She threw off her sweatshirt while I unbuttoned her jeans. She slid off the jeans and quickly brought me into a rough kiss. I unhooked her bra and then slowly let my hands wander so one was on her breast and the other was holding her heat.

"God you're wet." I teased.

She turned bright red, "Shut the f*ck up!"

I nodded before slowly placing kisses down her body just like this morning. I started at her neck and gently bite her skin every time i kissed her which caused her to yelp, "Ronnie, Maggie and my mom are home so you're gonna have to try to be more quiet." I gently stated. She still continued to let out a semi loud yelp each time. "If you keep making noises then it's gonna take me longer to get where you really want me to be." I added with a devilish grin.


"Veronica, quite making noise until I tell you that you can!" I took my hand off her heat and bopped her nose, I flashed a small smile.

She made a pouting face and the starting to squirm around.

"Quit, if you're good I'll put it back later." I continued to litter her chest with kisses that I knew would leave marks. I slowly pulled her underwear off and then threw them to the side before continuing what I was doing. I went down to her thighs and slowly started to kiss the insides of them. Then I went back up to her face and kissed her on the lips before I placed my hand on her heat again. She let out a small
whimper, her eyes met mine and the were filled with fear.

I leaned down to her ear and whispered, "I'll let it slide this one time darling." I kissed her cheek before roughly shoving one of my fingers inside her. Right away her eyes shut and she threw her head in between my neck and my shoulder. I was surprised so I let out a small yelp. I added a second finger and then a third but right before she climaxed I pulled out. She looked at me with hungry eyes. I did this a couple more times before I let her climax. I pulled out and licked off my fingers. Her tear filled eyes met mine before I flopped down next to her and wrapped a heavy blanket around us.

"You can talk now."

"I-I'm so tired."

"I know baby." I said sweetly.

"You were so mean."

"I know baby."

"Will you take the rest of your clothes off?" I nodded before slipping off my underwear and throwing my bra off.

I felt Veronica gently wrap her arms around my waist and I waited for her heavy breaths to turn into quite snores before I too feel asleep.

I felt my shoulder gently being shook. I woke up to see my mom standing over me, "Dinner is ready when you two want it." I nodded and then she left.

"Ronnie wake up."


"Dinner's ready." She sat up and looked down at herself.

"Jesus Heather."

I got up and grabbed both of us new sets of clothes. I handed them to her and we both put them on. She stood up and walked towards me. She laid a kiss on my lips, "H-Heather I can b-barely walk." She said sounding embarrassed.

I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me, "Oh god."

I started to walk downstairs, "What?"

"I should have given you a pair of pants." I whispered.

She shrugged and I sat her down at the table. Mom walked over to the table and put out a ham, mashed potatoes, corn, and rolls.

We all started to eat, "Veronica what the h*ll is on your neck?" Maggie asked.

"Language!" My mom scolded.

"You let them cuss."

"Yeah but they're older."

"Whatever, Veronica what the heck is on your neck." She was done eating so she took her plate to the kitchen before walking over to Veronica. She moved her hair but the marks on her legs caught her eyes, "Woah. Heather what did you do to her! I heard yelping from your room but I never would have guessed that's what you were doing. And Veronica, you're surprisingly quiet-" Veronica's face turned bright red.

"Maggie, I doubt that's what they were doing." My mom added before walking over to Veronica, "HEATHER EVELYN CHANDLER!"


"When did you do this!?"

"What time is it?" I asked.

"6:30." Maggie answered.

"Oh well... about an hour ago." I said quietly.

Maggie started laughing her a$$ off, "Yeah, get ya some Veronica!"

"Maggie, go up to your room." She waited for the door to close, "Heather, what where you thinking because I know this wasn't Veronica's idea..." the next part was mumbled but I still heard it, "...She's and angel compared to you."

"Well Veronica was having trouble finishing her homework sooo I made it more interesting." I said with a smirk.

"And how did you do that?"

"Well every time she finished a worksheet I took off and item of clothing."

"Ok, just umm go up to your room." I stood up and waited for Veronica to slowly walked over to me before I picked her up. I started to walk up the stairs, "Just don't let me catch you next time."

"Oh we won't." I answered before going up to out room.

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