Chapter 13: The Visit

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Heather Chandler's POV

Before I pushed open the door I grabbed Veronica's hand. When we walked in Mac freaked out. "HEATHER, VERONICA!"
We walked over to Mac because it looked like Duke had just woke up. She had a yellow cast on her arm and it looked like she was fine other then that. "Hey, Mac." I heard Veronica say quietly.

"Veronica? Are you ok?"

I saw her quickly wipe the tears off her face and then saw her starting to breath slower. "Yeah?Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?"

"You were just crying though."

"Don't worry about me I'm fine."

I spoke up. "So why are you two here."

Duke turned towards us and answered. "Car crash."

"Oh my gosh." Veronica spit out.

"It was my fault though so it's fine." Duke added.

"Wait so why are you two her?" Mac asked.

Duke spoke us before we could answer. "I told you why Chandler's here."

"No you didn't."

"I'll tell you Mac." Veronica answered. She looked at me. "JD poisoned her, but we don't know what he used yet."

Mac's eyes opened wide. "And why's Veronica here." Duke asked.

"She has a concussion." I answered.

"From what?" Mac asked.

I answered again. "Veronica was in the waiting room while I was in surgery or whatever and she was stressed out so she fainted and she hit her head off the ground pretty hard." I looked over at Veronica and saw she was embarrassed, I grabbed her hand which made her jump.

"Did you guys hear about the school?" I asked.

"No, what about it?" Duke replied.

Veronica and I looked at each other before I started to talk again. "Someone blew up the school, the only people left are us and my sister."

There eyes opened wide. The nurse walked in. "Hey you two need to go back to your room, you don't have to go to bed but you're supposed to be in bed."

"Bye" I told Mac and Duke and then Veronica and I walked back to our room and got back into bed. My mom was gone now so it was just me and her.

"Ronnie, what happened earlier, in the bathroom?"

She looked shocked. "N-nothing." I could feel her breathing faster.

"I don't want you to get upset. But I know that wasn't nothing. I've never heard you scream like that."

I saw a tear run down her cheek. "Heather, it
w-was n-n-nothing."

"Veronica please just tell me." She bit her lip for almost 30 seconds before tears started pouring out of her eyes. "No don't cry, you don't have to tell me." Her eyes met mine and all I could see was pain. I brought her into a hug. "I'm sorry, it's been a rough couple days." But before I knew it she had already fallen asleep in my arms.

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now