Chapter 8: The Hangover

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Heather Chandler's POV

I woke up to a my head pounding and a man standing at my door.

"Jesse James. How the h*ll did you get in here?" Veronica woke up but didn't really notice what was going on.

"Well I figured you would have a hangover so I wiped this up for you."

"I'm not gonna drink that piss."

"I knew this would be too intense for you."

"You think I'm gonna drink it just because you call me chicken? Just give me the cup jerk." He handed me the cup and as soon as he had came he was gone. I didn't bother looking in the cup, I figured it was a prairie oyster so I downed the entire thing. But when I noticed my throat start to burn I knew I was mistaken. "Ronnie call 911."

"Wait what?" She was already panicking.

"I said call 911."

She practically ran over to the phone and dialed the number. "Yes? I need an ambulance. I think my girlfriend was poisoned. Ok." She hung up. "They should be here in 10 minutes, can you make it that long?"

"Y-y-y-yeah." I stood up and started to walk towards the door but fell. "Ronnie go get one of my parents." I was starting to feel light headed and I knew it would be better if one of them was here.

She ran over to my sisters room, her words were mumbled. "Maggie go get your mom."


"Just do it." She ran back in with tears streaming down her face. "Are you ok?"

"I'll be fine once the wee wooo gets here." I forgot what it was called, I was to busy focusing on making sure I was breathing. She sat down on the floor next to me and put my head in her lap.

"Please don't go. I need you Heather. You need to stay with me." My vision was starting to get fuzzy. I saw my mom walk in, Veronica explain what was happening to me.

All my mom said was. "You ride with her to the hospital and I'll drive right behind you two."

That's when I heard sirens. "They're here, just please hold on a little longer." I saw people come in with a stretcher but I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

Veronica Sawyer's POV

I was in shock, I was also in the back of an ambulance with my girlfriend hooked up to a bunch of tubes. She was barely breathing. When we made it to the hospital I tried to follow them back to where ever they were taking her but they told me to wait in the waiting room. I sat down and when I saw Heather's mom she brought me into a hug. After being there for a whopping 10 minutes I couldn't take it anymore. "I need to call Heather." Heather's mom nodded and handed me some quarters.

Heather Duke's POV



"Veronica, what's wrong?"

"Heather's in the hospital, JD poisoned her, she getting her stomach pumped, there only a 20 percent chance that she's gonna make it."

I heard her brake after saying that. "Ok me and Heather are on our way." Then I hung up.

"Heather we need to go to the hospital, right now."

We got in my Jeep and I drove as fast as I could, which was the problem. I didn't see the truck in front of me.

BAM and then a flash of light.

Veronica Sawyer's POV

Heather had said they were coming 2 hour ago and they still weren't here. Then I saw two people being wheeled into the hospital on stretchers I stood up, it was them. I couldn't take anymore of this. I felt my breath speed up and tears gushed out my eyes.

I saw Heather's mom stand up. "Hunny, maybe you should sit down." I couldn't breathe anymore and that's when I felt myself hit the floor, then everything went black.

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