Chapter 47: The roof

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⚠️ Brings up eating disorders but doesn't go into detail ⚠️

Veronica Sawyer's Pov

Her and Heather were just sitting up in Heather's room wearing nothing but undergarments. She had her arms wrapped around her girlfriend's tiny waist, Heather had always been tiny but she was small then normal. Veronica was smaller than normal too but she wasn't worried about herself she just carried about Heather, "Hey Heather?"

"Yeah Ronnie?"

"A-Are you st-starving yourself." I asked as my eyes started to sting.

"Hey don't cry, I'm ok."

"That's n-not what I asked."

"Ronnie, I'm fine."

"Please just answer the question." I paused, "Please Heather..."

"N-No, I'm not."

"Tell th-the truth."

"I..." For the first time since I had known her Heather Chandler was at a loss for words.


"Well why do you do it." She snapped back, "I'm sorry."

"I'm just worried about you, I don't wanna to lose you."

"Ronnie honestly I'm ok!"

"How much do you weigh?"

She looked surprised that I would ask that, "I don't know."

"Why won't you just tell me the truth Heather! I love you, I'm just trying to help." I got up and walked out of her room. I went outside and went into the backyard, then I propped the ladder up against the house and climbed until I was at the top. It was peaceful on the roof, the sun was setting and the air wasn't cold but it wasn't hot either.

I let the tears run down my cheeks until no more would come out. It was now dark but the stars were bright. It was also cold now, I was shivering but I didn't mind. It was also starting to sprinkle.


I didn't answer.

"I went after you the second you left my room, I thought you ran away."

Again, I didn't answer.

She walked over to me and sat down, "Baby, I love you."

Some how my body squeezed more tears out, but I still didn't answer her.

She grabbed my chin so our eyes met, "Are you ok? It's awfully cold out here, and you're shivering." She paused, "Let's go back inside hun." She stood up but I stayed put. "Please Veronica."

I honestly don't know why I'm being so stubborn. I could see my breath and I wanted to go inside, I just couldn't. I felt Heather pick me up, "Heyyyy!" I shouted.

She walked carefully and went into her room through the window. Then I was laid down on the bed while she went and closed the window. She came and sat next to me but I stood up, I got a new set a pajamas and put them on before I tried to fall asleep. At some point she got up and turned the light off. She laid back down with her back towards me.

I let silent tears start to drip down my cheeks, what the h*ll is wrong with me?

I looked at the clock, 1:37 a.m.

I let out a shaky breath, "H-Heather, are you up?" I looked over at her after I said this.

Her blood shot eyes met mine and I felt her wipe a tear off my cheek, "I'm sorry." I spit out.

"It's ok..."

"No it's not."

"Ronnie, it's fine, we were both wrong."

She moved closer to me and I put my arms around her waist before we fell asleep.

I woke up to being pulled onto Heather's lap, "Acho!" I sniffled a couple times before opening my eyes and then squirming closer to Heather.

I gently laid my head on her chest. She brought her hand up to my forehead, "Are you sick?"

"N- Acho! No."

"Your heads hot Ronnie."

"I'm fine!"

"You even sound sick."

She picked me up and walked me into the bathroom. I was set on the counter while she searched through the cabinets. She pulled out a thermometer and stuck it in my mouth. I took it out, "I'm fine."

"Put it back in." I did what she told me to.

While waiting I felt myself start to doze off. Heather put her hands on my arms, "Wake up Ronnie, you almost feel of the counter." I let out a groan, "You can go back to sleep after the thermometer's done, I promise."

The thermometer beeped and Heather took it out of my mouth, "102, looks like you're not going to school today."

She picked me up again and walked me back to the bed, "Will you s- Acho! Stay home with me?"

"Only if you want me to."

I nodded and she put the covers on my before walking towards the door, "St-stay with me? Please."

She nodded and then sat down next to me, I put my head in her lap and she started to run her fingers through my hair.

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