Chapter 68: Oxfords

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Heather Chandler's Pov

I woke up to my alarm going off, "Jesus Christ I freaking swear..." I mumbled under my breath, I shut my alarm off and snuggled back up to Veronica.

"Heather, we have to get up."


"We have graduation today."

"Sh*t." I got up and dragged Veronica into the bathroom with me, "What time is it?"

"6:00 a.m."

I nodded, "And when is graduation?"


I turned the shower on and started to strip but Veronica just stood there, "Are you not getting in with me?" Her face turned red and she too stripped all her clothes off.

We got in the shower and I started to run shampoo through her hair, "Now I'm enjoying this Heather, I really am, but wouldn't it be faster to take two different showers?"

"Well ummm, we're saving water."

She let out a small laugh, "Whatever you say hun." I rinsed the shampoo out of her hair and then put conditioner in it. Once I rinsed the conditioner out I wrapped my arms around her waist and started to kiss the back of her ear, "H-Heather?"


"We sh-should do this later, we have to be ready by 10:30."

I nodded and then let her wash my hair. We got out of the shower and we both put on a red fluffy bath robe, "Ok, I'm gonna dry your hair and then you're gonna go put on your dress while I dry mine."


Her hair didn't take long to dry so she went to put her dress on while I dried mine. She walked back in wearing a tight sky blue dress that fell at her mid thigh. I walked over to her and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, "You look beautiful, Ronnie."

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

"I'm gonna go put my dress on."

I walked into my closet and grabbed it, I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. The dress was a deep red, it was tight until it reached my waist, then it became flowy and stopped at my mid thigh.

I went back in the bathroom and Veronica smiled at me, "You're so pretty."

"No I'm not."

I plugged the straightener in, "So, what are ya gonna do with my hair?"

"I'm gonna straighten it and then I'm gonna curl it."

"Why don't you just curl it?"

I let out a small laugh, "Well I don't know if you've realized but you hair is really poofy."

She frowned, "I like my poofy hair."

I put my hand on her cheek, "I do too, it would just be hard to curl it when it's like that." I pulled her in for a kiss, "I love you."

"I love you too."

I looked over at the straightener and it was done heating up. I grabbed it, "Ok, turn around."

I was about half way done and she wouldn't stop moving, "Veronica, you're gonna burn yourself if you don't stop." She turned around and the straightener ended up sitting on her neck for a couple seconds before I even realized it was touching her. I set the straightener down and looked at her, she already had tears starting to fill her eyes, "Are you ok?"


I picked her up and started walking downstairs. My moms eyes met mine, "What's wrong?"

"Veronica got burnt with the straightener..." I looked over at the clock, "...and we only have an hour and a half to finish getting ready."

She walked over to me and picked Veronica up, "I'll take care of her, you go upstairs and finish getting ready."

I ran upstairs and plugged in the curling iron. While that heated up I put on light gold eye shadow, mascara, and a red lipstick that matched my dress.

After I was done curling my hair I ran downstairs and saw Veronica and my mom sitting on the couch, "Are you ok?" She nodded. I walked over to her and picked her up. She let out a small yelp, "We have to finish your hair then."

I finished straightening it and then curled some of it, lastly I took a strand of hair from each side of her head and pinned them back with a bobby pin. I put on some mascara and a light pink lipstick, "You really look beautiful Ronnie." Her face turned red, "Ok we just need to grab our caps and gowns and you need to grab your speech, then we'll be ready."

I walked into our closet and grabbed two white caps and gowns. I walked out of the closet and handed hers to her and started to put mine on. Then I saw a couple sheets of paper in her hand, "Will you read it to me now?"

She scowled, "No, you have to wait like everyone else."



She grabbed my hand and we went downstairs, "You guys have to let me take pictures." My mom said the second she saw us.

"Ok, but only a couple." I answered.

She handed each of us a box wrapped in silver wrapping paper, "These aren't your graduation gift, they're just something special that I thought you two would like."

My dad walked up behind her and nodded. He let out a small laugh, "Are you guys gonna open them?"

We both opened our boxes to see a pair of Oxfords. Mine were red, black, and white with a heel and Veronica were white and two different shades of blue. I hugged both of them, "Thank you."

My dad spoke up again, "We thought you two could wear them today."

Veronica looked like she was in shock, "Thank you so much but I don't think I can accept these, I know how much these cost and..."

My interrupted her, "No they're yours and you're gonna wear them."


"Well, go put your shoes on then we'll take pictures and then you two have to leave."

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