Chapter 12: Memories

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Veronica Sawyer's POV

"Ok, I'll start." Heather spoke up. "Remember when me and the other Heathers took you under our wing? I know it was only a couple months ago, but I love that day so much."

I smiled at her. "You won't remember this, but I remember the first time I knew I loved you. It was in December of eighth grade, and my mom was late picking me up. And even though your mom was already there you waited with me, and you gave me your red scarf. And that night I went home and all I could think about was you and that devilish grin you used to give me all the time. I still have that scarf ya know?"

"I know, you wore it everyday for almost three years." She giggled after saying that. "I win though, I've liked you since seventh grade. I remember it was the first day of school and it was the first year that me and the other Heathers were even close to the clique that we are now. I had just tripped Martha Dunnstock and then I walked over to my locker. You were standing at your locker which was right next to mine. And you looked me in the eyes and about as seriously as you could, you said "please don't pick on me." I felt my heart melt I looked you up and down and then nodded."

"That's why you never picked on me? Just because I asked?"

"Yeah and I also thought you were hot, so I didn't want you to hate me." We both laughed after she said this.

Heather's mom was back now and she brought clothes for us to change into so we didn't have to wear hospital gowns anymore. "Veronica I just brought you some of Heather's clothes, I hope that's ok."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"It's no problem." She handed me a red Westerburg High hoodie, a pair of grey sweat pants, and a red Snappy Snap Shack shirt. She gave also Heather a tee shirt, a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. She  gave both of us our glasses since we had both been wearing the same pair contacts for the last couple days. Heather didn't have an iv anymore so she quickly went to change her clothes and was back in a couple minutes.

I got up and walked over to our bathroom. I quickly changed my clothes and then I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked rough I took out my contacts and threw them away. Next I took out my hair tie and put it around my wrist. I turned on the sink and splashed some water on my face, and then I put my glass on but this time when I looked in the mirror I didn't see myself. I saw Heather Chandler looking back at me in her red silky robe with a blue liquid running out of her mouth. I felt my breath speed up and without realizing I screamed. I felt myself hit the ground, I was still conscious but now I was sitting on the ground. I heard someone knock on the door. "Veronica? Can I come in?" I felt hot steamy tears start to run down my face and then I heard the door open. The second she saw me she was also on the ground with me in her arms. "Ronnie are you ok? What happened?"

All I could get out was, "T-the m-m-m-mirror."

Heather looked confused when her next sentence came out of her mouth. "What about the mirror?" Heather's mom was now standing in the door frame with a worried look on her face.

She stood up and looked in the mirror and then crouched back down next to me. "Ronnie I don't see anything in the mirror." She grabbed my hand and pulled me up with her, then she positioned me in-front of her and the mirror. "She it's just you and me." But what she didn't understand was that it wasn't, I saw two Heather's. The real one and the one I saw before, where I was supposed to be standing. I felt my legs buckle again but this time Heather caught me. She propped me back up and lead us back to her bed. She made sure I was laying down before she got in.

Before she could ask me anything else the nurse walked back in. "I heard someone scream, I wanted to make sure you two were ok."

"We are now." Heather answered.

"Well I also came in here because Heather and Heather won't stop asking to see you, so I was wondering if you two wanted to go and see them before you're supposed to be in bed.

We looked at each other and then nodded. We got up and walked into the hallway barefoot.

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now