Chapter 60: Pet Cemetery

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Heather Chandler's Pov

I woke up and looked over at the clock, 9:28, "Ronnie wake up we have to go to school!"

"You barely slept last night, we're staying home." she answered with her eyes still closed.

"But we haven't went in like two weeks, I'll be fine."

She tightened her arms around my waist, "One of those weeks was spring break, Love."

"Well can we at least go do something today?"

"Like what?" She has that huge dorky grin on her face.

"I was thinking the movies." She nodded, "Well I'm gonna go take a shower so if you'd like to join me, you can."

She jumped up and practically ran to the bathroom. I let out a small laugh, "You're really that excited?" She quickly nodded.

After almost an hour they were ready. Veronica was wearing a short plaid gray shirt, a light blue tank top, and Heather's red Chuck Taylors. While Heather was wearing a simple red dress, white heels, and a black leather jacket.

The drive to the theater was short, we got out of the car and I grabbed her hand, leading us to the theater. We got two tickets to Pet Seminary and I got a bag of BQ corn nuts. We went to theater 6, "We should sit in the front."

"Can we sit in the back, Ronnie?"

"But, why?"

"You'll see."

The second the movie started I set my hand on the inside of Veronica's thigh. She looked up at me with those doe eyes before looking back at the screen. I slowly started inching my hand closer and closer to her skirt. Veronica looked at me again, "Heather, I'm trying to watch this." she whispered. I moved my hand onto her knee and started to rub my thumb back and forth. She didn't look up this time. I grabbed her chin so she was looking at me, "Heather I already told yo-"

I cut her off with a kiss, "What did you already tell me?"

"N-Nothing, it's just we're in public."

"There are three other people in here and they're all sitting in the front."

She shrugged and then looked back at the screen. I pulled her on my lap and kissed her again, "Heather, will you stop being horny, jesus."

"Nope sorry, I can't."

"Can you at least wait till we get home?"

"Well what if we started here and finished at home?"

"Why did we come here if you don't wanna watch the movie?"

"I don't know." She pulled me into a kiss.

"Sorry Love, but I want to watch the movie."

I pouted, "You're choosing the movie over me?"

"That's not what I said."


"Heather..." she paused for a second, "I promise that whenever we get home we can do whatever you want, but right now I wanna watch this." She gave me a peck on the lips before turning her attention back to the screen again.

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and then one on the jaw. I looked at her but she was still watching the movie. I started to trail kisses up and down her neck. I gently sucked on her neck, making sure that it would leave a mark. Veronica turned her head towards me, "What are you, a leach?"

I felt my face heat up, "Yes."

"Can't you just wait? The movies almost over."

"Can we go to the mall after this, it's just right across the street."

"I'm fine with it, if you can make it that long." she had a huge smirk on her face.

The credits started to roll and we go up to leave. We walked out of the theater and across the street to the mall.

"So where are we going first?"

"I don't know it was your idea to come here." She walked around a foot in front of me but still held my hand.

"Well we'll just walk around until we find somewhere to go I guess."

She let out a small laugh and nodded, "Can we invite Heather and Heather over this weekend? It feels like we haven't had a sleepover in forever."

"Yeah, sounds good to me."

Ronnie stopped, "What's wrong?" she practically threw herself into my arms and I heard her start to cry. I started to run my hand through her hair, "Baby, what's wrong?" I could hear her trying to choke back sobs. I picked her up and walked her to the car. I helped her into her seat.

Once we got home I took her up to my room and laid her on the Bed. I sat down next to her, "What happened, Ronnie?"

"My m-mom was there, I'm s-sorry I just didn't know what to d-do."

I brought her into a hug, "I'm sorry."

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