Chapter 41: A different kind of hospital

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⚠️ Suicide Warning ⚠️

Veronica Sawyer's Pov

I knocked on the door, "Reed?" no answer. He must be in the bathroom, I knocked on the bathroom door, no answer. I opened the door and went in, I tried to scream but I couldn't. "No, no, no wake up, please!" I looked over and saw a stack of paper, I looked through them. One was titled Veronica, I tried to read through it but I just couldn't.

I woke up I looked for Heather but she was no where to be found, "H-Heather?" I whimpered.

Heather's mom came out of no where and placed her hand on my arm, "Shhhhh, she's just in the bathroom, she'll be out soon."

Heather walked out of the bathroom and right away she noticed that I was distressed. She came over and sat down next to me, "What's wrong honey?"

I couldn't say anything, I just broke down in her arms like a always do. "H-He..."



She knew exactly what I meant, "I'm sorry."

She laid down next to me so that she was the big spoon and I was the little spoon. She wrapped her arms around me and made sure that the blankets were just right. I closed my eyes and started to drift off.

"Baby girl, you know it's 2:30 in the afternoon right?"

"Baby girl?"

"Yeah, do you not like it."

"No I love it, can I talk about him more?"

"Of course baby girl."

I watched her mom leave and then I started talking, "I remember when my brother showed me how to cuss, both of us got beat till we couldn't walk for a week." I started to laugh but that laughter quickly turned to tears.

Heather brought me into a hug, "Shhhh it's ok Ronnie."

As Heather tried her best to calm me down I could hear a doctor talking to her mom. It was quiet but I could pick out a couple words, psychiatric hospital, suicide, self harm, anxiety, depression. I couldn't listen anymore,
"H-Heather they're gonna send me to a
m-mental hospital."

Before she could answer the doctor walked in, "I'm guessing you heard through the door?"
Heather nodded, "You'll probably only be there for a week, maybe less then that. So I would appreciate if you would make this easier for all of us and just do what we ask of you." I nodded.

Heather picked me up and we started to walk out of the hospital, she gently laid me down in the back seat of her moms car and then got in so my head was in her lap. We drove for probably 10 minutes before we stopped, Heather picked me up again and then started to walk again. I rested my head in her shoulder as I felt angry yet sad tears come out. Once we got inside I felt people start to crowd us before Heather set me on the ground. I brought her into a hug, "I'm gonna miss you." I cried out.

I pulled away so I could see her face, when she noticed me looking she quickly wiped a tear off her cheek, "I'll come and see you everyday if you want me to."

I nodded, she quickly placed a kiss on my lips before she had to leave.

A nurse lead me to the room I would be sharing with a girl named Lucy. After I got settled the nurse took me into a room where she said I would spend most of my time. She left me in there to do whatever I wanted really but I was surprised when a boy walked up to me. I looked in his eyes, they were dark and filled with pain, his hair was black. I knew I had seen him somewhere but I couldn't quite remember.

"Veronica?" He said in a low voice, I knew exactly who this was. I felt myself start to hyperventilate, I tried to leave the room but the door was locked.

Hot tears started to run down my face,
"H-Help." I whispered, I tried to scream but I couldn't. I saw the nurse walk in, immediately she walk over to me and then took me back to my room, "C-Can you c-call Heather?" she nodded and then left. I laid down on my bed and did my best to calm myself down, but nothing was working.

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