Chapter 66: Family Coversation

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Heather Chandler's Pov

June was quickly approaching, we had a week left of school and then Veronica and I would have graduation three days after that. Which meant Veronica would give her speech that she decided to not let me hear until graduation. I was scared to say the least, growing up is scary. We would start college at Harvard in September, which I actually needed to talk to Veronica about.

I looked over at her. At the moment she was reading Pet Cemetery. She decided she was gonna try and read all of Stephen King's books over the summer, they're the most boring things I have ever read but she likes them, "Hey Ronnie?"

She looked up from her book and her beautiful brown eyes met my grey ones, "Yeah?"

"I have a question."


"Would you mind if I change majors?"

She looked surprised, "What do you wanna change it to?"

"Well I was thinking about being a lawyer, my parents said it would be easy to switch right now and I thought is would be cool to continue my dad's business."

"How much longer would you be in school for?"

"Three years, and we already found an apartment up there so we wouldn't have to do long distance."

A small smile crept onto her lips, "Ok, well I think you should do what makes you happy."

I brought her into a hug, "Thank you." I let go of her, "Ok, I'm gonna go call them now."

"Good luck." I gave her a smile and then walked out of the room. I went downstairs and dialed the number.

I ran back upstairs and into my room, "They said yes!" She walked over to me and gave me a hug. I closed the door and started to walk her over to the bed. I pushed her down onto it and right away she threw her shirt off. She pressed her lips against mine. I pulled away, "I think you forgot something Ronnie."

Her eyes met mine, "What?"

I leaned down close to her ear and whispered, "I'm in control." I heard her breath hitch and then we were interrupted by a knock on the door. She grabbed her shirt and put is back on, "Who is it?"

"Your mother, can I come in?"

I sat down next to Veronica, "Yeah."

She opened the door and came and sat down next to us, "Can you two come downstairs, we need to have a family conversation."

Veronica and I looked at each other, "Ok."

The three of us stood up and walked downstairs, dad and Maggie were already waiting in the living room. Mom went and sat next to dad and Veronica and I sat down next to Maggie. Mom started talking, "Ok, we wanted to talk to you three about something very important. So, you know how your father has been sick for almost two months?" We all nodded, "Well we went to the doctors last week and we found out what's wrong."

I looked over and Veronica she grabbed my hand and started to rub her thumb over my knuckles. My dad started talking, "I... I don't want you guys to freak out. I can get better and I'm gonna try my hardest to get better."

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now