Chapter 25: Does she know?

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Heather Chandler's POV

I woke up around 8 when my mom walked into my room. She looked at us, smiled, then shook her head. Veronica looked over at me, "Oh God, she knows."

I yawned, "You don't know that, she literally looked at us."

She moved closer to me, the phone rang, so Veronica picked it up.


"Oh, Hi Heather."



"See you then."

She hung up the phone and then snuggled back up to me. "Heather and Heather are coming over around 3." I nodded, it was 10 so we had a lot of time before they showed up. We just sat there until my mom called us down stairs. I got up and went into my closet. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants, a tee shirt, and a pair of short black shorts. I hurried and put the sweatpants on and then threw Veronica the shorts and tee shirt. "Why do I have to wear a shirt and you don't?" She asked.

"Do you want me to show you?" She nodded. "Stand up." She did, "look down." Her eyes went wide before she put the shirt on, then the shorts. She walked into the bathroom.



"Come here." I walked in and she was looking at the mirror with wide eyes.


She looked at me and smiled, "I see myself." I smiled back but before I could say anything my mom called for us again.

I looked at Veronica and moved her hair around so I covered part of her neck up. "Keep your hair like that, you don't want my mom to see that you have a hickey." She giggled and then we walked downstairs.

There were four bowls on the table with what looked like tomato soup in them. We went to sit down when my sister said, "Jesus Heather, people are trying to eat, put a shirt on." She paused, "Veronica's the only one that wants to see that." I saw Veronica blushed.

My mom walked in, "Quit bothering your sister, she's wearing a bra."


"I said quit." She said a little stricter this time.

"Hey mom, Heather and Heather are coming over later today." I said before eating a spoonful of soup.

She nodded, "So what did you two do that night?" I heard Veronica choke on her soup.

"Umm we just went out for dinner."

Maggie eyed me, "Are you sure that's all you did?"

"Maggie! Stop, your sister didn't have sex last night." My mom answered almost a little to quickly.

Maggie blushed and went back to eating.

When we were done we went back upstairs and watched TV until I heard a knock at the door around 2:30. I looked over at Veronica and she was asleep. "Hey wake up." I nudged her awake and then ran down stairs. I opened the door and there was Heather and Heather. We walked upstairs and Veronica was already sleeping again. I threw a pillow at her, "Come on, wake up."

"F*ck you." She giggled after saying this. I heard Duke and Mac laugh too.

I walked over and dragged her out of bed, "What the h*ll?" I threw her a pair of jeans and a blue tank top.

"Go get dressed." She mumbled something and then got up and walked to the bathroom. I got myself a pair of jeans and a blue long sleeve Polaroid shirt. I also grabbed her a red zip up jacket and two pairs of high top Chuck Taylors, one red and one blue. I put on the red ones and handed Veronica the blue ones. She was wearing her contacts now and she had left her messy brown hair down. "Here you should wear this." I said handing her the jacket, she took it and said nothing else. I looked over at Duke and Mac, "Can we stop at the Snappy Snap Shack and get her some caffeine so she's not as much of an a$$." Duke laughed and nodded, then we left. I ran in the small store and grabbed Veronica a coke and a bag of Barbecue corn nuts for me.

Veronica drank her coke in less then a minute, and we had pulled up to a huge house party.

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