Chapter 10: The Confession

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Veronica Sawyer's POV

"About Heather? Because her doctors have pretty much told me everything." Her mom quickly answered.

"No, I actually wanted to talk about Veronica. Heather explained her home situation and I thought you would be the best person to talk to."

"Ok, Maggie why don't you go to the next room over and go talk to Heather and Heather."

Maggie left and that's when the nurse started talking again. "We think Veronica has anxiety, and with a couple tests we think we could actually figure out if she does, but after that we would need a parents consent to provide her with medication."

"Ok, well if it's fine with Veronica then you could do the tests, and I guess this would explain what happened yesterday."

"What happened yesterday?" I asked.

The nurse replied. "You don't know why you're here?"


"Well you were in the waiting room yesterday and you were stressed so you started to panic, and then you fainted, you have a concussion."

"Wait and what kind of tests would you do?"

"Mostly just questions and the rest would be observations."

"I could do that."

"Ok well we could do it now." The nurse answered.

Heather's mom started to walk out the door. "While you guys do this I'll watch Maggie." She softly closed the door behind her.

"Ok Veronica so what you had earlier is called a panic attack, have you had one before today."

I nodded. "Ok and when did those start?" I felt my eyes start to sting, all I could think of was the night I got kicked out of my house.

I felt Heather grab my hand. "If I can answer for her they started in September and have gradually gotten more frequent."

"Ok, and how often do they happen?"

She answered for me again. "Normally 4 or 5 times a week."

"Wow, ok. How does it feel when you have them?" Heather and the nurse looked at me. We sat there for almost a minute before I answered.

"It feels like I'm trapped in my mind, and there's no way out." The nurse opened her mouth but I just kept talking. "Or like I'm drowning and there's no way to get to the surface." I felt my tears start to run down my cheeks. I opened my mouth but I couldn't get any words out.

"Ok well I'll let you calm down and I'll be back later." The nurse walked out and Heather's mom walked in. I tried to quickly dry my tears but it didn't matter because they were just replaced with new ones.

"I was gonna go down to the cafeteria and I was wondering if you two wanted anything." We both shook our heads but she wasn't taking no for an answer. "You two should really eat something."

"Ok then just bring us back something small." Heather answered.

"Ok" Then she left.

We sat there in silence for a while until Heather started to say something. "Veronica, you've been avoiding this question and I know something's wrong, will you please just tell me what's going on?" Heather looked worried so I knew it was time to tell her.

"I can't stand being in hospitals." My answer was whispered but I know she heard me. She brought me into a hug and I felt myself start to cry harder, and then I started to shake.

"I'm so sorry Ronnie, if I knew-" She stopped talking, she brought me into a tight hug. I never wanted her to let go.

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