Chapter 69: Graduation

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Veronica Sawyer's Pov

We pulled into the school parking lot 10 minutes before we were supposed to be there. Heather rested her hand on my thigh, "Are you ok?"

"No, wh-what if it's not good. The only person I've had feedback from was your parents and I knew they were gonna tell me it was good either way."

She put her hand on my chin and directed my eyes to hers, "You're gonna do great hun. You're good at this kind of stuff."


"So, are you ready?"

"I guess."

We got out of the car and walked into the school. Right away a teacher walked up to me, "Before we line up we need to see you for a second, Veronica."

I nodded and started to follow her but Heather stopped me. She grabbed my hand and placed a kiss on my knuckles, "I love you, you're gonna do great hun."

"I love you too, I'll see you later." She let go of my hand and I followed the teacher.

"We need to hear your speech before you get out there."


She lead me into a room with the principal and a couple other teachers.

I gave them the speech and by the end they were all smiling. The principal walked up to me, "You did really great, just don't be so nervous." I nodded, "Ok it's 11:30 and you need to go line up." I nodded again and made my way to the cafeteria.

I lined up in between Josie Robinson and Eliza Sax. I didn't know either of them but we made small talk until it was time to go to our seats.

We were led outside and we sat until noon.

I couldn't listen to the beginning, I was way to nervous to. There had to be at least 1000 people here cause the senior class has at least 600. Then I heard it, "Before we start handing out diplomas I would like to welcome our valedictorian up to the stage. She will be attending Harvard University this fall to get a writing degree, so please welcome Veronica Sawyer to the stage."

As I stood up I could hear everyone clapping, which just made me more nervous. When I made it up there I searched the crowd for Chandler and when my eyes met hers she smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.

I let out a shaky  breath before starting, "First I would like to thank everyone's family and friends for joining us today and helping us get to where we are today. Without you we really wouldn't have been able to make it." Everyone clapped again and I waited for them to stop before I started again, "So, valedictorians are supposed to bring up some memories or some sappy stuff about how they've known these people their whole lives and how they're gonna miss them." A bunch of people start laughing, "But I've only known most of you for around five months, so I guess I probably wasn't the best choice." Again people laughed, "The bombing of Westerburg High was a tragedy to say the least. No offense but I always imagined graduating with them. It seems like just yesterday we were baking cookies together and eating paste. Slowly, we got bigger and somewhere in our angsty teen brains that triggered something. We started picking on each other and I started counting down the days till graduation. I believe I'm a good person, I believe that there's good in everyone. My dad used to tell me, 'Not everyone is good, but there's good in everyone.' I used to think that saying was weird, but now that I'm older I finally understand what it meant. So if you take anything from me let it be that because personally that advice has helped me met two of my best friends and someone who's grown to be more than a friend. So again thank you all for being here and I wish you all well as you continue your journey through life."

Everyone clapped and before I made my way off the stage I heard her, "THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!"

As I walked back to my seat I smiled and whispered to myself, "Only Heather Chandler."

Before the principal started talking again the two girls next to me told me how good it was.

I didn't really pay attention until Chandler was called up there. She took her diploma and I swear she had one of the biggest smiles on her face that I had ever seen. Next Duke went up and then Mac. Eventually my line made their way up.

My name was called and I shook the principal's hand then she handed me my diploma, "Thank you."

"No, thank you. It was nice to know you Veronica, I know one day you'll do great things." I nodded and then went back to my seat.

When the time came he flipped our tassels and then threw our caps in the air. Before we left everyone made sure to grab their cap again. The second I walked into the cafeteria and was pulled to the side and brought into a hug, "You did so good Ronnie." When she pulled away she brought me into a kiss, "I love you."

"I love you too." She wrapped an arm around my waist and we went to find her parents.

I saw her parents but before we made it over to them someone came up and hugged me, "I'm so proud of you, Veronica."

I pulled away, "Thanks dad."

We all walked over to Heather's parents. Her mom spoke up, "Scola la Pasta with Heather and Heather to celebrate?"

Everyone nodded, I said bye to dad and then Heather and I walked to her car.

She gently pushed me up against the car and connect our lips. When she pulled away she tried to move in again but I stopped her, "Later hun." She nodded.

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now