Chapter 3: Dinner

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Heather Chandler's POV

Veronica and I were laying beside each other on my bed while watching a movie. My dad was at work and my mom was at the mall with my little sister so we were home alone. We had been dating for only a week but I already knew this was the woman I wanted to marry.

I grabbed her hand, "Hey Ronnie?"


"Can we tell our parents about us over dinner this week?"

"I don't know Heather." She sounded hesitant.

"Please, my dad will be home on Tuesday so we could do it then."

"I guess I could ask my parents if they wanted to come here for dinner."

"And after we tell our parents we can go public at school!"

Veronica smiled at me. "Now that I'm exited for."

It was now Tuesday and the Sawyers had made it to our house. Veronica looked nervous so I shot her a short smile to try and calm her nerves. She smiled back but then she went back to having the same scared look on her face.

"Guys everyone can come sit at the table, dinner's ready." My mom told everyone.

My parents sat at each head of the table, I was next to Veronica, my younger sister Maggie was next to me, and Veronica's parents were across from us. Mom had made a turkey and a couple of sides. There was mostly just small talk and dinner was coming to an end so I knew it was now or never.

"So, there is actually a reason we wanted to bring you guys together for dinner." Veronica's breathing stopped, I grabbed her hand under the table. Now that I actually had everyone's attention I was getting nervous. "We're ummm..." I stopped for a moment. "Dating." I spit out.

No one said anything until Veronica's mom said "Veronica, don't bother coming home. We'll let you pick up some of your stuff one day but that's it." They got up and let themselves out.

I watched as tears slowly started to drip down her face. "Hey don't cry." I hated seeing her cry.

My mom then spoke up. "Well, we'll be supportive of you two, and Veronica you can stay here."

"Thank you." she answered.

"Can we be excused?" I asked.

My dad answered. "Yeah but we're gonna have to talk later."

I took Veronica up to my room and closed the door. She looked so pretty when she cried, but pretty or not I still hated when it happened, "Do you wanna talk about what happened?" She nodded. I grabbed her hand and we sat down on my bed together. I wrapped my arms around her and she burred her head into my chest.

"I hate them, so, so much." She started to cry harder.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry, it's not your fault."

I gently rubbed my hand up and down her back, "I could take you to go pick up some stuff from your house after school tomorrow."

She let out a sigh, "I don't want to go back there Heather."

"Well you need to go and get your contacts and your glasses."

She groaned, "I could just use yours."

"Ronnie, we have two totally different prescriptions."

"I don't mind."

"No I'll go with you and we'll just go grab a few things and then I won't make you go back."

"Pinky promise?" She asked and held out her pinky.

I let out a small giggle, "Pinky promise." I answered and twisted my pinky around hers.

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