Chapter 61: Cigarettes

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Veronica Sawyer's Pov

I felt someone gently shaking me, "Wake up Love, my mom just finished dinner." I let out a groan, "I know you don't wanna get up but come on."

"No." I nuzzled my head into Heather's neck.

"Ronnie come on."

"No." She pried herself out of my grasp and then stood up. I opened my eyes and reached my arms out, "Come back, it's cold without you."

"No, we're gonna go eat dinner."

"Noooo." She picked me up and then started walking down stairs, "Stop!" I nuzzled my head into her neck again, "I just wanna go back to sleep."

She set me down at the kitchen table, "You can but you have to eat dinner first."

"I'm not hungry."

"Come on, it's spaghetti."

"Ok I'll eat it." I looked around the table but it was just Heather and I, "Where's Maggie."

Heather's mom walked in with two plates, "She's studying with a friend, I think her name's Emma." She placed the plates in front of us.

Heather and I looked at each other and I knew we were thinking the same thing. I quickly ate, when I was done I felt Heather's hand on my thigh. I looked up at her, "Do you wanna watch a movie with mom after this?" I nodded. She smiled, "What do you wanna watch?"

"You or your mom can pick."

She looked over at her mom, "You can pick Heather."

"Is Beetlejuice ok?" Her mom nodded.

I thought for a second, "I thought you hated Beetlejuice."

"Well I know it's one of your favorites and I've grown to like it."

I gently pulled her into a kiss, "Thank you."

Once we we're done eating we popped some jiffy pop and then went into the living room. I put the movie in and then went to sit down next to Heather, but instead of sitting next to her she pulled me into her lap. I rested my head in the crook of her neck and she wrapped her arms around me.

We had been watching the movie for around 30 minutes when there was a knock on the front door. Heather's mom stood up, "I'll get it." She opened the door but I couldn't see who is was, "Alice?"

I looked at Heather, "A-Alice."

I felt my eyes start to sting, "Shhh, it'll be ok." Her grasp tightened.

I looked back at the door, "Move, I need to talk to her." Eventually she pushed Heather's mom aside and she walked over to me. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of Heather's lap so I was sitting on the floor. I looked up at her, "Listen here d*ke..." I looked down, she grabbed my hair so I was looking at her. I heard Heather scream something but I couldn't tell what it was, "...we saw each other at the mall today didn't we?" She paused for a second, "Answer me!"

"Yes" I tried my best to look around the room and then I realized Heather and her mom were gone.

"So you were skipping school?"

"Let go of me!" She took her hand out of my hair. I looked over into the kitchen and saw Heather standing there. She was shocked.

She grabbed my chin, "I don't want to hear about you doing crap like that again, ok? You still have the last name Sawyer and you're embarrassing me and your father!" She slapped my cheek, "You're just like your brother. You're nothing but a disappointment."

She let go of me and walked to the door. When she opened it she was met by the police, "Are you Alice Sawyer?" She nodded, "You're coming with us." She nodded and then went with them.

I ran up to Heather's room and grabbed my credit card. When I ran back downstairs I was stopped by Heather, "I'm going to the Snappy Snack Shack, I'll be back." I gave her a short kiss on the lips, "I love you." Then I ran out the door.

When I got there I grabbed a lighter and then walked over to the cashier, "This and a pack of Camels." He nodded, got the cigarettes, took my card, and then gave it back. I went outside and right away I lit one of the cigarettes.

I started walking back to Heather's house and then sat down on the curb when I got there. The sun was setting and the sky was a beautiful hue of pink and orange.

I was on my fourth cigarette when Heather walked outside and sat down next to me, "How did you get those? You're not 21 yet." She wasn't mad but she sounded concerned.

"I don't know the cashier just let me have them."

"Ronnie, those will ruin your lungs."

I looked down at the pavement, "Who cares?"

"I do." She grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers together.

I sucked in and then blew the smoke out of my nose, "It's just one pack."

"Yeah but they're addicting."

"Do you want one?"

She sighed, "Yeah."

I grabbed another cigarette and handed it to her, "Have you ever smoked before?"

"Yeah, who didn't back in like freshman year?" I let out a small laugh, that was the year everyone was peer pressured by the sophomores to smoke at least one cigarette. It was fun but a few people got caught so they stopped. She stuck the cigarette in her mouth and I lighted it for her, "We should probably stop after this one, Maggie's gonna be home soon."

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