Chapter 28: The Mall

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Veronica Sawyer's POV

It had been two weeks since the party. Things were about the same, there was still name calling at school and Heather and I were still going to therapy. I looked over at the clock, it was 2 a.m. We have school tomorrow but I just can't fall asleep. I moved closer to Heather, I felt so much better when we were together. I felt her arm go around me. "Are you up?" I whispered.

"Yeah." She moved so that now we were facing each other, I grabbed her hand. "Have you been up this whole time?" I nodded, she brought me into a hug.

"You smell so good." I accidentally spit out.

She giggled, "Thanks." She let go and we just kind of sat there for a while. I got up and walked to the bathroom, when I closed the door I started to feel nauseous and dizzy. I grabbed the counter and the dizziness and nausea left at the same time, I just stood there expecting them to come back but they never did. I left the bathroom and got back into bed.

"Can we skip today? We could go to the mall or something." I asked.

"We can skip but only if you get some sleep."

I groaned, "Heather..."

"You heard me, go to sleep." She said starting to run her fingers through my hair. I positioned myself so that we were spooning, with me being the little spoon.

That's when it happened again. There he was, but this time Heather called for me. I still couldn't get out. Then I woke up in a pool of my own sweat. Heather had her hand on my forehead, "Are you ok?" I took a shaky breath, my eyes started to sting. I grabbed onto Heather, "Veronica?" I never wanted to let go of her.

I held onto her until her alarm went off. "Come on." She said standing up to go turn off the alarm. She grabbed my hand and pulled me onto my feet. For a second the dizziness came back, I grabbed onto Heather to stable myself, "Are you ok?" She asked looking very worried. I smiled at her and nodded. She looked dissatisfied with my answer but she continued to get ready.

We left like we normally did but went to the mall instead of school. She parked the car and we got out. She grabbed my hand and we walked in. "So, where do you wanna go?"

"I don't really care, you can pick."

"America Eagle?" I nodded. She lead the way there and right away she started handing me clothes she wanted me to try on. She had to of ended up spending at least 300 dollars there on me alone.

"You really didn't have to buy me all of this."

"I wanted to silly." She answered and then lead the way to the next store, and I was surprised by the one she picked. "You like this store right?" I nodded, we were standing in front of Hot Topic. We bought a couple tee shirts and then moved on.

She walked into Victoria's Secret, I knew she shopped here but she had never taken me with her. I followed her around the store as she picked out bra and underwear sets in different shades of red and blue. She grabbed my hand and we walked back to the dressing rooms. She walked into one and I stood outside, "Aren't you coming in?" My eyes went wide. She grabbed my hand, "It's not like you haven't seen me naked before." She stated while closing the door. I changed into what she had picked out and then I turned to face her. She was also in just undergarments, "That looks nice on you." She said with a warm smile.

"You don't look to bad yourself." She giggled and then pulled me close to her before passionately kissing me. She leaned in for another and then another. "Heather..."


She kissed me again, "We're in public."

She frowned, "But..."

"Later." I answered with a smile.

We left the small dressing room and paid for our stuff. We started walking through the mall again when I started feeling nauseous, I lead Heather to the nearest bathroom. I sat down on the floor next to the toilet and emptied my stomach. She sat down next to me and held my hair back. "When you're done I'm taking you home."

"No I'm fine." I stood up but then the dizziness hit me again and before I knew it I was on the floor.

"See." She stood up and took my hand, we walked over to the sink and I washed my mouth out.

On the drive home she actually drove the speed limit, which she never does.

We went upstairs and I changed into sweatpants and a tee shirt. We laid beside each other, "Hey Veronica?" I looked over at her, "I'm really sorry but I'm gonna have to go help Duke out with something in about an hour, but I can dive you over to Mac's house." I nodded.

Within 45 minutes Mac was at our house and ready to take me to hers. I gave Chandler a kiss and then got in Mac's car. "Can we stop at the Snappy Snap Shack? I need to get something." She nodded. We dove there first and I got out, "I'll be right back."

I ran into the store and went down the aisle with the medicine praying that they would have them.

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now