Chapter 29: I'm not going anywhere.

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Veronica Sawyer's POV

I looked at all the options, screw it. I grabbed one of each and then went to pay for them. I refused to make eye contact with the cashier. I grabbed the bag and went back to the car. "Are you ok? You look really pale?" Mac asked, I nodded and then she drove to her house. We went up to her room and just sort of talked, we knew each other, but not very well. "Hey I'm gonna go downstairs and make some dinner, do you want anything?" I shook my head, "Are you sure?" I nodded. She left her room, so I walked into the bathroom, I pulled a box out of the bag and opened it, they're were two tests in it but I decided to only take one. I only had to wait 5 minutes but it felt like an eternity. Maybe I was over reacting. Sure, my period was late. But it was only a week late, and I probably just have a stomach bug or the flu. I put my hand on my forehead, yeah just the flu, just the flu. I looked at the test, there was a little pink plus sign. It has to be wrong, it happens all the time, right? Right? I walked downstairs.

"Can I have a glass of water?"

"Yeah." She walked over to the fridge, "Would a bottle be fine?"

"Y-yeah." She handed it to me, "Thanks."

I walked back upstairs and back into the bathroom. I open the bottle and chugged the entire thing, then I took the other 9 tests. I can't be, I wouldn't admit it. I looked down at the tests, still blank. Slowly each test start to pop up with its diagnosis, and with each plus sign I felt another piece of my world fall apart. I threw all the tests into my pocket and then I put the garage in the trash can. I felt tears start to form in my eyes. I walked downstairs and right away I was brought into a hug. "Are you ok?" I shook my head, but at this point am I every really okay?

"C-c-can we go b-back to Chandler's house?" She nodded, "A-and can y-y-you ask h-her t-to meet us there?"

"Yeah, go get in the car, I'll be out in a couple minutes." I did what she said and went to the car. How the h*ll am I gonna tell my girlfriend that I'm pregnant?"

Heather Chandler's POV

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I took it out and Mac was calling me. I answered the phone, "Hey Mac."

"Hey can you meet us at your house like now." She sounded confused but urgent when she talked.

"Why, what's wrong?"

"I don't know, all she told me was she wants to see you at her house now."

"Ok, tell her that I'll be there in 5 minutes." I paused, "And tell her that I love her."

"Will do, see you in 5."

I hung up. "Heather, I need to go home, I'm sorry." I said while running out of her house.

I got in the car and left immediately, I was going 50 in a place where you're supposed to go 20 but whatever. I made it to the house and Mac's car was already in the driveway. I ran upstairs, but the second I walked into the room Veronica ran into the bathroom. "Veronica?" I followed her, I also heard her throw up, poor girl. She looked at me with scared eyes, "Hey, what's wrong?" She was crying and her breath was getting faster, I walked over to her and sat down next to her. I held her hair and started to rub her back with my other hand. Mac walked in the bathroom, "Hey I think I'm gonna go," She looked at me, "Call me later," and then she looked at Veronica, "I hope you start feeling better." She nodded and gave Mac a small smile, then she left.

"Hey what's going on?" I grabbed her hand and walked her over to my bed, then we sat down. I put my hand on her thigh and she grabbed it right away, "Please tell me." She reached into her pocket and pulled out what had to be 10 pregnancy tests. I didn't even have to look at them to know they're diagnosed, why would she have taken so many if they weren't all positive. She was waiting for my reaction but I guess I waited a little too long.

"I g-get it if y-you d-d-don't want t-to be w-with me anymore."

I felt my heart break when she said that, "Hey look at me." I tried to think of the best way to word this, she looked up at me. "I love you, and there's no way I'm gonna leave you over something like this. You're the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I'm scared and I sure as h*ll know you're scared, but we're gonna get through this." Jesus there's a human growing inside my girlfriend. She looked down at her stomach and then at me.

"Heather I can't f*cking do this."

"Do what?"

She motioned to her stomach, "Heather I'm 16." I kept forgetting that she was almost 2 years younger then me.

"We're gonna get through this."

She rolled her eyes, "Are we?"

"Yes, we are."

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