Chapter 67: French

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Veronica Sawyer's Pov

Heather's mom finished for him, "H-He has Pancreatic Cancer."

I looked over at Maggie and she was already crying then I looked over at Heather and she looked just as shocked as I felt. When her eyes met mine I think it hit her because right away tears started to seep out of her eyes. Slowly tears started running down my face, sure he wasn't my dad but we had grown close, he was Heather's dad and I felt bad. Heather crawled into my lap and nuzzled her head into my shoulder.

"It's bad..." Heather's mom stated, "... I'm not gonna lie to you. I don't want it to be a huge shock if he dies, but we're gonna stay positive and hope for the best. He'll be lucky if he makes it to Christmas, so he's gonna take off work and we're gonna spend as much time with him as we can."

He stood up, "I'm g-gonna go to the bathroom." Then he left.

Heather's mom moved closer to us, "Ok girls you need to listen, all of this crying is just gonna upset him more. After today I don't want you crying over him unless he's on his deathbed, ok?" We all nodded, "Ok, go back to your rooms."

I pick Heather up and started to walk upstairs. She nuzzled her head even farther into my neck, "You're so strong, Ronnie."

I felt my face start to turn red, "Th-Thank you."

I laid her down on the bed and then she pulled me down next to her, "C-Cuddle me?" I nodded so she snuggled up to me, "I've had everything my wh-whole life and n-now one of the most important people I know is b-being taken away from me." She let out a soft laugh, "I guess I deserve th-this."

I felt my heart break, "Look at me."


"Heather, look at me!" She turned her head towards me, "That's not the reason, sometimes bad things just happened, hun."

"Yeah right..."

I felt my eyes start to water again, "Heather, this isn't you're fault. Say it."

"Say what?"

"Say it isn't you're fault." We just looked at each other for a couple seconds, "Say it!"

She looked away from my eyes, "It's n-not my fault."

"Thank you, I love you Heather."

"I love you too."

I woke up to someone talking, "Yeah, we'll be down in a minute." And then the door shut. I opened my eyes, "I guess you're already up." I nodded, "Dinner's ready." I let out a groan, "Come on, get up."

She pulled me out of bed and we started to walk downstairs. Heather sat down but before I could do the same she pulled me onto her lap. I felt my face heat up, "H-Heather."

"Shush, they've all seen it before." Heather's mom came in, gave us a short smile, then laid two bowls of onion soup in front of us. Heather kept one arm around my waist and used her other to eat. I took my spoon, filled it with soup and then poured it back into the bowl. I did this over and over again until Heather was done, "Come on, eat Ronnie."

"I'm not hungry."

She grabbed my spoon, filled it with soup and held it up to my mouth, "Open."


"Come on, for me?" I opened my mouth and she stuck the spoon in, "Good?" I nodded, once the bowl was gone we went back upstairs and laid down.

I got up, "Sh*t."


"I still need to do my French homework."

"Why do you still have homework?"

I grabbed my backpack and pulled out the worksheets, "It's the last grade in the class for the year." I sat down at her desk and tried to figure it out. I've never been very good at French. Which was strange for me, I normally don't have to try to be good when it comes to school but no matter how hard I try with French I just can't get it.

Heather walked over to me and leaned on the desk, "What's taking you so long? Normally you finish stuff like this is seconds."

"I'm not good at French, Heather."

"Bien ma chérie, j'ai être parler français depuis je être jeune." (A/N-I don't know if all of this is right, I don't speak French so I used word reference.)

"I don't know at all what you just said."

"How do you have an A in french?"

"Because I make stuff up and he gives me an A on it."

She rolled her eyes, "Let me see it." She looked at it for a couple seconds, "It's all multiple choice and true and false, it's not that hard."

"Then help me!"

"I'm not gonna do it for you." I pouted, "Ok, I'll do it for you."

I gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you."

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