Chapter 43: Chicken Noodle Soup

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Veronica Sawyer's Pov

After Heather left I tried to stay calm but I couldn't I ended up falling asleep but was woke up not to long after.

"I brought you dinner."

"Thanks." I answered quietly.

"You have therapy tomorrow and I'll be back later tonight before bed." I nodded and then she left.

I looked at the trey she had brought me, it had a sandwich and a bowl of soup on it. I tried my best to fall back asleep but a girl walked in.

"Hi! I'm your roommate, my name's Lucy."

My eyes met hers, "I'm Veronica."

"I don't wanna be rude but what are you here for?"

"I'm not quite sure, it could be about a million different things at this point but I think it was for a suicide attempt."

She nodded and then pulled up her sleeves, "Me too. So, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Ummm not exactly."

"What do you mean?"

"I h-have a girlfriend."

She smiled and then opened her mouth to say something but a nurse walked in. She handed Lucy a handful of pills and then she handed me just two, "What are these for?"

"Ones for sleeping and I'm not sure what the other does, everyone takes it." Lucy answered.

"I can't leave till you take them."

I popped the pills in my mouth and swallowed them, then the nurse left.

I felt my eyes get heavy before I fell asleep.

One week later

Heather Chandler's Pov

I walked into the hospital and saw Veronica waiting for me, "Are you ready to go hon?"
She nodded and then we walked out together. She had been quiet everyday when I visited after what happened with JD.

I made sure she got into the car before I got in on my side, I grabbed her hand and then I drove home.

I led her inside and then up to our room, right away she laid down on the bed.

I laid down next to her, "I missed you Ronnie." She looked at me with pain filled eyes and flashed a small fake smile, "What wrong baby?"
She shook her head and then looked away, I put my arms around her and brought her into a hug. She felt skinnier, right now I probably wasn't much better, I haven't ate a proper meal since she left. "When was the last time you ate?" She shook her head again and then stood up, she walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I followed her and then opened the door, she was on the floor shaking and crying. "Hey, come on tell me." She stood up but collapsed before she could walk away, I picked her up and sat her down in our bed. I walked into the kitchen and made two bowls of chicken noodle soup.

When I walked back into my room I saw Maggie and Veronica talking. Well I guess it was mostly Maggie talking while Veronica nodded. "Hey can I have one of those, I'm starving." Maggie asked.

"Yeah." I handed one of the bowls to Maggie and the other to Veronica, right away Maggie started eating while Veronica just held the bowl. "Ronnie you really should eat." She shook her head and handed me the bowl, "Veronica please, you need to eat."

She shook her head, "So do you." She said quietly.

"Ok, I'll eat half of it if you eat the other half." She nodded.

I sat down next to her, stuck the spoon in the bowl and then put the spoon up to Veronica's mouth. She shook her head, "Baby girl, I promise I'll eat half but only after you eat your half." She opened her mouth and ate the soup off the spoon. By now Maggie was gone so I got out a blanket and then let Veronica cuddle up to me. I handed her the bowl of soup and went to get another for me but when I got back she hadn't ate any, "Are you really gonna make me feed it to you?" She nodded. I fed her the whole bowl of soup and then ate mine while she slept with her head in my lap.

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