Chapter 52: Cookies

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Veronica Sawyer's Pov

I woke up but I wasn't in Heather's arms anymore let alone her room. I was on a red couch so I was guessing I was in the Chandler's living room.


"Yeah Ronnie?" She walked into the room and then over to me, "Are you ok?" I guess she could tell I was confused, "I brought you downstairs, no one else is home so I thought you might like to be somewhere other than our room."

Our room, I had never heard her call it that. "Thank you." She nodded.

"Do you need anything right now?" She asked kindly.

"Can I have another blanket and..." I paused for a second and gave her puppy dog eyes, "...a kiss?"

Heather giggled before wrapping me in another blanket and giving me a short kiss on the lips. I grabbed her face and pulled her in for a longer kiss.

I let go of her face and she started walking away, "Where are you going?" I pouted.

"The kitchen."

"What are you making?"

"Stop being so nosy hun, it's a surprise." I frowned before she walked away.

She came back after about 10 minutes, "Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" I nodded,  "Well what do you wanna watch?"

"You can pick." She nodded before leaving the room again.

I saw a flash outside and then heard a loud boom. I felt my heart starting to beat faster and my eyes starting sting.

Heather walked in the room, "I got The Breakfast Club I hope that alri-" Her eyes met mine and she ran over to me, "What's wrong?"
I looked outside, "It's ok, you're gonna be ok Ronnie." I nodded, "Do you still wanna watch the movie."

I giggled a little bit, "Y-Yeah." She put the disk in the VHS tape in.

I sat up so she would have somewhere to sit. She took the hint and sat down next to me, "You can lay back down if you want hun." I set my head in her lap and watched the movie.

A beep came from the kitchen, "I'm sorry V, I have to get up. I'll be back soon." I nodded and then laid back down.

She came back in with a plate of chocolate chip cookies. She set them down on a small table that was beside the couch and then sat down, "Can I have one?" I asked.

"Well yeah I made them for you silly." She handed me one, "Do you want milk?"

I shook my head, "Normally I would say yes but right now I'm sick and I don't know how much my body can handle without throwing up."

"I'm sorry I didn't think about that."

I took a bite, "This is the best cookie I have ever ate."

She blushed, "Thank you, just don't make yourself sick." I nodded.

When I was done I laid my head back in her lap and looked up at her, "Ronnie, you're starting." She said lightly while putting a hand on my cheek.

"Am I not aloud to?"

"You can, it's just you're suppose to be watching the movie hun."

"I would rather watch you."

Her eyes met mine and she flashed a small smile, "I'm flattered."

"You should be."

She leaned down and gave me a kiss on my forehead, "Are you feeling any better?" She asked as she ran her fingers through my hair.


"I'm sorry."

I sat up and then made my way over to Heather's lap. I wrapped my arms around her waist and laid my forehead on her shoulder. Heather let out a small laugh, "Clingy much?"

"Shut up, I'm tired." I answered playfully.

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now