Chapter 22: The girl in the mirror

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Veronica Sawyer's POV

As we walked into the building all the memories came back. When my parents tried their hardest to "fix" me and my many issues that they helped to create. In their minds I've always been broken in someway. I was broken when I was to smart for my own good, so they moved me up a grade. And when I wasn't making friends, they "fixed" me by making a couple play dates. The last time they tried to fix me was when I told them I was dating Heather, and there solution? Throwing me out of the house. I felt a tear run down my cheek, I felt Heather wipe it away.

"Veronica Sawyer? They're ready for you." Heather stood up and then grabbed my hand. We walked into a brightly colored room with a middle aged woman sitting at a desk. Heather sat down on the couch and so did I. She wrapped her arm around me and I sat there waiting for this terrible talk to being.

Oh sh*t, this women used to be my therapist, from 2nd to 9th grade. But there was no way she remembered me. "Hello Veronica, and you are?" She looked at Heather.

"Heather, Chandler."

"Well nice to meet you, Heather." She gave a warm smile and then moved her eyes over to me. "So what are we here for today?" I stared at the floor with my lips sealed for what felt like hours. "Now Veronica, you were never one to talk but you were never this quiet." I just sat there again. "Heather, do you know why were here?"


"Could you please tell me?"

"Well, it has something to do with something Veronica keeps seeing."

"Ok, what does she keep seeing."

"Well, it's kind of complicated."

"We've got time."

Heather explained everything that had happened over the last month. "So she sees me, instead of herself."

"So Veronica, how does that make you feel? Seeing Heather in the mirror."

I couldn't say anything, even if I wanted to. It was to hard to describe.

"Veronica?" She was exactly how I remembered her, she pushed when talking about subjects like this.

I felt my eyes starting to burn, then my vision blurred. I felt the steamy tears start to fall. This was a calm cry, I wasn't used to this. It seems like every time I cry it's alway accompanied by a panic attack, but not this time. "C-can I go t-to the r-r-restroom?" The woman nodded. I got up and walked out of the room and down the hallway. I slipped into the bathroom and then locked the door. I looked at myself in the mirror, but could I really call it myself?

I've been in here for way to long, but I can't go back out. I heard a knock on the door. "Ronnie? It's Heather." I unlocked the door and she came in. She brought me into a hug. When she let go I looked back into the mirror, I tried to wipe away the mascara tear stains. No matter how hard I tried they wouldn't leave her pretty face. She grabbed my hand and then put her other hand on the door, I nodded and then we walked back to that horrid room. We sat back down and Heather put her arm around me.

"Ok, instead of talking about feelings, let's talk about your interests. I'm sure they've changed some."

"Well I still like writing and drawing. I'm really into horror movie now."

I was interrupted, "I remember how scared you used to be of them."


"And how are your parents?"

I looked at Heather and she looked at me. "Ummm, I actually moved out."


I hesitated for a second. "Well we actually had a fight, so now I'm living with Heather."

"If you don't mind me asking, what was the fight over?"

"M-m-my sexuality."

"Oh." She nodded. "Wait, Heather Chandler. Is this the girl you used to gush over when you used to come?" I felt my cheeks get hot, I looked at Heather and hers were pink too. She gave me a small squeeze and then I laid my head on her shoulder. "I'll take that as a yes." She said with a smile. "So how long have you two been together?"

Heather answered, "Around 4 months now."

"So how long did you have a crush on her before you asked her out, because I know she didn't ask you out."

Heather laughed. "Since 7th grade."

We sat there talking for what felt like hours. "Well when will I see you two next?"

I looked at Heather. "What about next Monday?" She answered.

"Ok at 9?"

She answered again. "We'll need a note for school but other than that it sounds good."

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now