Chapter 64: A gift

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Heather Chandler's Pov

I woke up to my alarm going off and my fingers still in Veronica's mouth. I used my other hand to turn off the alarm and then I started to run it through Veronica's hair, "Ronnie wake up."


"Come on, we need to take a shower."

"No we don't." I pulled my hand out of her mouth, "Nooooo." I picked her up and walked her into the bathroom, "F*ck you!"

I laid a kiss on her forehead, "Maybe later love." I could see blush starting to creep down her body. I playfully slapped her a$$, "Go get in the shower, you stink."

She was as red as a tomato, "N-no I don't!"

I slipped the rest of my clothes off and got in the shower. I turned on the water and Veronica joined me. I slammed her up against the wall and brought her into a kiss. I slammed my knee into her crouch again and when she opened her mouth I stuck my tongue in. She tasted like, well I think you can guess what. I pulled away, "You taste good."

Her face turned a deeper shade of red, "Ummm... th-thank you."

After about 20 minutes we were out of the shower and dressed, "Go grab your backpack then we can leave Ronnie." She grabbed her stuff and then we got in the car.

We were only 2 minutes away from school when Veronica finally said something, "Heather?"


"Can we skip?"

I thought for a second. I would love to but we hadn't went in over two weeks, "You just have to make it through four days hun."

"I don't wanna go."

I parked the car, "Come here."


"Come here." She looked hesitant before scooting a little closer to me. I pulled her onto my lap, "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing's wrong Heather."

"Then why don't you wanna go?" She just sat there with her head down, "Please Ronnie, go for me."


"Thank you." She nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck, "Are you ready?"


"Hey Ronnie, if you make it through the day I'll give you a gift."

"A gift?"

"A gift."


We got out of the car and walked in, I wrapped my arm around Veronica waist while we walked. And then I heard someone shout, "Heather Chandler's gone soft!"

I stopped, "Who was that?"

Everyone pointed to a boy with short curly brown hair. I walked over to him, grabbed him by his shirt collar and shoved him up against the lockers, "I don't know what the hell you're talking about but you better shut your mouth before you get what's coming to you."

"No, it's the truth. You've gone soft."

I was about to hit him when Veronica walked up behind me, "Heather don't, it's not worth it."

I dropped him and he slid onto the floor, "See! What a pussy."

I kicked him in the balls before walking away.

The rest of the day went by fast and soon enough we were on our way home, "See Ronnie, today wasn't that bad."

"You got called soft and then you kicked some kid in the balls..."

"Yeah, it was a good day." She let out a small laugh as we pulled into the driveway. Dad's car was also in the driveway so he must have just gotten home.

We walked inside and right away my dad came up to me and Veronica and gave us a hug, "Hey dad?"


"Have you lost weight?"

Mom walked in the room, "You do look skinnier hun."

"I'm fine."

We went up to our room and sat down. Seconds later I could hear someone throwing up downstairs. I looked over at Veronica and we both knew it was him, "Do you think he's ok?"

"He probably just has a stomach bug, Heather."

"Yeah, probably."

I pulled Veronica in for a kiss, "Wh-What was that for?"

"That's your gift."

She smiled before going in for another kiss.

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