Chapter 55: Teeth Marks

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Veronica Sawyer's Pov

"Ronnie wake up." I opened my eyes to see I was still in the kitchen, "Dinners done." I nodded, she picked me up and then grabbed a bowl of pasta before walking to her room. She set me down on the bed and handed me the bowl of pasta.

She sat down next to me and I crawled into her lap, "Well hello there." she cooed. In response I nuzzled my head into her chest, "Are you gonna eat hun?"

My eyes met hers, "Could you...umm..."

She smiled, "Could I what?"

"Could you... f-feed it to me." I put my head down, my face had to be bright red.

She put her hand on my chin and pulled me into a kiss, "Of course, anything for you baby."

Once the bowl was empty she laid it on the table next to her bed, "Ronnie you should take a shower or a bath or something."

I yawned, "Are you saying I stink?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying hun."

"Well I don't want to."

"What if I made a deal with you?"

"What deal?"

"Whichever one you take I'll get in with you." I smiled and nodded, "Well which do you want?"

"A bath." she nodded and then went into the bathroom. I heard the water start running and then Heather came back out. She picked me up and then carried me into the bathroom. I slid my clothes off before sitting in the bathtub that continued to fill with water. Soon Heather striped her clothes of and I couldn't help but stare.

Her eyes met mine and I quickly looked away. Heather sat down next to me after turning the water off, "Ya know you can stare if you want to."


Heather pulled me onto her lap and soon I felt her start running rose scented shampoo through my hair. I couldn't help the soft moan that escaped my mouth as she gently massaged the top of head, "Does that feel good?" she asked with a small giggle.

I nodded, I couldn't tell if she was making fun of me or if she was trying to get something more out of this bath the we had originally planned.

I softly hummed as she continued, "Such a nasty girl." I heard her whisper.

My eyes opened wide and I turned around so that so they met hers, "Don't look at me like that Veronica, you know it's true."

I turned back around and shook my head, "I am not-"

"Oh I know what you're thinking about and like I said before come back when you're not sick." She started to wash the shampoo out and then she put in conditioner. I felt myself start to squirm as she massaged my head again. Heather let out a small laugh, "Ronnie, baby, stop it."

"I'm sorry, it tickles."

"Whatever you say hun." She washed out the conditioner and then I turned around so my eyes met hers. I slowly leaned in before gently smooshing my lips into hers. My teeth started to nip at her bottom lip. She pulled away, "I said no tongue Ronnie." I pouted, "I love you but no."

I slowly started to trail kisses down her neck, the kisses turned into little nips before I started to bite her neck. She pushed me away, "Quit hun." I didn't quit so she pushed me away again, "Veronica stop." I laid my head in the crook of her neck and the moment she wasn't expecting it I bit down on her neck again. This time she pushed me off her lap, "Man you are a horny little thing."

She stood up and started to get out of the tub. I grabbed her hand, "No, stay. I'm sorry. I'll stop, please Heather." She turned back around and sat down again.

I practically jumped into her lap, "We do need to get out soon Veronica." I stood up and got out of the tub, I grabbed my towel and started drying off, "You really made me get back in for you to get out 5 seconds later?"

"Yep." I answered with a smile.

Heather got out and wrapped her towel around herself before walking over to me and pressing her lips against my neck, "Well someone needs to teach you some manners, Sawyer."

"Well maybe you could do that, Chan-" She bit down on my neck about as hard as I think she possibly could, "Jesus Christ, Heather."

"What?" She gently sucked the bite and then ran her tongue over it. Then she started to drain the bathtub before she left. I looked down at me neck which now had teeth marks in it and was bleeding. I left the bathroom and walked into her closet, grabbed a hoodie, undergarments, and a pair of shorts. I put them on and then laid in Heather bed while I waited for her to change. I ran my fingers over the bite mark and let out a small hiss before taking my fingers off. Heather laid down next to me and tried to cuddle up to me. I gently pushed her away, "What did I do?" I pointed to my neck. She gently ran her fingers over in like I had done less then a minute before. My face scrunched up and I moved my neck away from her hand. She went back into the bathroom and brought back a washcloth. She laid it on my neck and I felt a shiver go down my spine, it was a lot colder that i thought it would be. Gently she started wipe the bite mark off with it, "I'm sorry Ronnie." I didn't answer, "You know that right? I didn't know I bit you so hard."

"I know."

"Are you mad?"

"No I could never be mad at you."

She brought our lips together before she went back to the bathroom to put the washcloth in her clothes basket.

When she came back she wrapped her arms around my waist and started to place gently kisses on the teeth marks that she left on my neck.

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