Chapter 45: Homework

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Heather Chandler's Pov

Last night was terrible but I knew Veronica and I needed to go to school. We had both kept our grades up and Veronica was actually doing better than normal but we still need to go.

I gently shook Veronica's arm, "V, wake up we have to go to school." Her eyes were closed but I knew she was awake. I shook her a little harder, "Ronnie, wake up." Still nothing, "Veronica I know you're awake!" She just laid there, "Oh that's it." I stood over her on my knees and gently started to lay kisses down her neck. When she she still didn't wake up I untied her robe and continued to make my way down her body. I looked up and she still hadn't responded so I went back up to her neck and started over but this time I gently sucked so it would leave marks on her body. She still hadn't opened her eyes so I went back up to her neck and bit down as hard as I could.


"That's what you get for pretending to be asleep for so long." I went back to where I had bite and gently licked it, trying my best to sooth the irritated area.

Veronica let out a soft moan before I got up, "Ronnie come on let's go get ready."

"No, I don't wanna go."

I picked Veronica up and walked her into my closet.


I grabbed a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, "Go change baby girl." I set her down on the floor and she went into the bathroom.

"HEATHER, WHAT THE H*LL DID YOU DO TO ME!" I just giggled before I changed my clothes.

Eventually we had made our way to school and right away Veronica was called to the office. I walked her to the office and then stopped her, "I'm gonna head to first period so I'll see you there, ok?" She nodded and then went into the office.

I made my way to my first period class, English, and sat down. I put my bag in the seat next to mine as a way of saying it was saved.

I watched the clock, there were only 10 minutes left in class and I was starting to get worried. The door opened and in walked my beautiful dork. She made her way back to where I was sitting but was stopped by the teacher, "Where have you been Miss Sawyer?"

"I w-was in the office."

"Do you have a note?"

"N-No, they didn't g-give me one."

"Well sit down, now I have to call the office."

He walked over to the phone while Veronica walked over to me, "Why were you gone for so long, I was getting worried."

"They want me to be Valedictorian."

"Oh my gosh that's great!" She flashed me a worried smile, "What? Are you not exited?"

"Not really, I don't want to give a speech in front of literally everyone."

We eventually made it through the day and we were now sitting in the comfort of our own bed, "Ronnie, have you done you're homework yet?"

"I don't want to."

"You need to Veronica."

"Well so do you!"

"I did mine during study hall, now go get your backpack."

She let out a small grown before getting up and leaving the room. I stood up and walked over to the desk and she came back into the room, "How much do you have left?"

"All of it, sooo six worksheets." she rolled her eyes after stating this.

"Ok well, get started."

She took out a history worksheet and started to work on it but she was having more trouble than normal, "What's wrong?"

"I can't do this, it's so g*d d*mn boring!"

"Well how about we make this more interesting."

"How so?"

"Every time you finish a worksheet I'll take of an item of clothing." She nodded before starting to scribble down answers and she ended up finishing in 5 minutes. She looked up at me, "Done?" she nodded. I took my scrunchie out on my hair and laid it on the desk.

"Oh come on!"

"Do your next worksheet." She pulled out a french worksheet and got to work. She looked up at me when she was done. I took my shoes of and laid them on the floor.

Next she did english, so I took my socks off and threw them in my laundry basket.

Then science, and my blaster was thrown off.

She did her advanced writing class paper so i took off my white button down.

She pulled out her last worksheet which was math, "What is taking you so long?" I asked, placing a finger under her chin so her eyes met mine.

"I'm sorry, you're sitting here in practically no clothes."

"Come on, just hurry up and finish!"

About 10 minutes went by before either of them said anything, "Ok I'm done."

Heather pulled off her skirt and then grabbed Veronica by her collar and pushed her onto the bed. She leaned in and kissed her, "You're wearing entirely to much clothing."

Veronica leaned close to her ear, "Then rip it off me."

Tonight was gonna be fun.

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